Most recently read...."The Battle of Stones River." because I live two miles away from the National Battlefield and until recently only discovered how much history I was wasting.
Gates of Fire by Steven Pressfield actually an AWESOME book about leadership
Lions of Kandahar....because I knew some of the Group guys in it.
Killing Bin Laden...will let you know how close we actually came to getting him early on.
No Easy Day...Marcus Lutrell
I have a couple.... one is "the Oz Principle" by Roger Connors, Tom Smith, and Craig Hickman. It is on the topic of getting results through individual and organizational accountability. The other one is on Transformational Leadership as it applies to people going for advanced degrees in the Healthcare industry.
Here's a RP thread on a related topic, with a few great articles and resources to share, check it out here:
I read this articles this afternoon. I thought that I would share.
I think this is a good thread for those we are trying to get to join can see the substance of some things we discuss between us as current and former military, soft spoken as well as informational and mentoring types of postings.
We also have fun at times while remaining professional.
My success and leadership library is one that is starting to grow as I am mentored by leaders in a company that my wife and I are associated with. Some of these books are:
How to win Friends and Influence People by Dale Carneigie
How Successful People Think by John C. Maxwell
The Compound Effect by Darren Hardy
The Success Magazine
The Richest Man in Babylon by George S. Clason
and a host of other authors including John Assaraf, Og Mandino, Napoleon Hill, Dave Ramsey, Suze Orman, Zig Ziglar, David Bach, Jim Rohn, W. Clement Stone, and Robert Schuller.
You become that which you are exposed the most to. A good look at your library and the 5 people you spend the most time with and a clear picture can be seen of where you are and where you are going. Personal development is the name of the game if one hopes to live a life by design and not designed for them.