Posted on Nov 19, 2013
Col Regional Director, Whem/Ssa And Congressional Liaison
What's in your %22professional library %22
<p>Many leaders recommend developing a 'professional library' throughout your career.&nbsp;What are those time-honored classics as well as new titles that redefine the subject of (fill in the blank).&nbsp;I'm sure this will&nbsp;be a fun and informative&nbsp;topic that'll spark some discussion on the subject, as well as promote professional reading/development and well rounded "professional library."&nbsp;Of course, today when we speak of "books" we may also include: audio books; videos/ documentaries; mp3s, or any other format or delivery method, the important thing here&nbsp;is content/substance. Here's just a few ideas on subject matter: military/government; business; leadership; success &amp; achievement; human behavior/psychology; philosophy; management; finances; training/systems/ technical,&nbsp;or anything else applicable, and the titles, well... we'll leave those up to you. Hopefully, this helps spur some&nbsp;thought on&nbsp;professional reading and development, and&nbsp;will&nbsp;prove helpful;&nbsp;now let's get this thing started, thank you for all that you do, and... see you all in the discussion threads!&nbsp;</p>
Edited 10 y ago
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Responses: 84
MAJ Operations Officer
Three books I found extremely helpful in understanding and coping with the challenges associated with combat stress in our Soldiers and leaders:

"Black Hearts" by Jim Frederick.  An incredibly engaging and tragic book that speaks bounds to the challenges of prolonged combat exposure and what can happen when things go wrong with leadership in a unit.  It does a fair job of telling the story accurately and without bias according to the many veterans I know who were there.  I made my PLs read it as a company commander and they all felt it was one of the most valuable things we did before going to Afghanistan.

"Achilles in Vietnam" and "Odysseus in America," both by Dr. Jonathan Shay.  Dr. Shay does an incredible job in Achilles in Vietnam outlining the psychological cost of war by comparing Homer's story with Dr. Shay's work with Vietnam veterans.  In Odysseus, he further uses the Odyssey to relate to the challenge many veterans find returning from war.  I had to read both as a PL in Iraq and they did an exceptional job and helping broaden my understanding of the things leaders must do that really can't be taught.  

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SFC Rory Kempf
I have too many in my library to list but, this one speaks out. "A General's Spiritual Journey - Lt. Gen Hal Moore (Ret). 
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CPT Platoon Leader
Still beginning my collection that would fit this, but right now I have "The Things They Carried," "Small Unit Leadership: A Commonsense Approach," and probably a few others I can't remember the titles at the moment. Still looking to expand 
SGT Robert Riley
SGT Robert Riley
11 y
Spend your weekends at Barnes & Nobles or at their online store and join the Military Book Club  and also the History book club. Then expand your library and become the envy of the NCOs and officers in your unit. ;)
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CH (CPT) Heather Davis
SSG Riley: I am very proud of you keep pushing.
SGT Robert Riley
SGT Robert Riley
11 y
Thanks. and you likewise! 
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CH (CPT) Heather Davis

MAJ Burns:

I found "The Patton Mind" a prime example on developing and shaping one's life embodies passion, discipline, and a deep desire to push towards your purpose.

CH (CPT) Heather Davis
CH (CPT) Heather Davis
11 y

Sir, respectfully I am an avid reader, and I have six volumes of "The Papers of Martin Luther King, Jr." and I have read many books on General Patton. The commonality of both leaders is they were diversified on cultures and had a passion for their calling.

I also have a book on "Ethnicity & Family Therapy." This is critical as a leader it is imperative that I understand the other person's perspective.

My favorite book is
"Genograms Assessment and Intervention" that
provide genograms of famous families. I have been in situations in my military career and an understanding with the audience and culture I was dealing with definitely provided me with a method on how I would communicate.

I look at stressors and choices and how vital the relationships and the belief principles of the individual drive, the action and the coping strategies that many have or lack.

CH (CPT) Heather Davis
CH (CPT) Heather Davis
11 y
Respectfully I bought "The Patton Mind" used and paid $10.00 versus $143.00. I have found it valuable to
understand the culture and the belief system this provides you an
understanding of respect for
other's boundaries.
COL Vincent Stoneking
COL Vincent Stoneking
>1 y
CPT Davis,
Thanks for this. Amazon says I'll have "the Patton Mind" real soon now. Sounds interesting.
CH (CPT) Heather Davis
CH (CPT) Heather Davis
>1 y
LTC Stoneking:

I find General Patton, a fine example of God and country. His passion for his faith, and during a crucial time during WWII he utilized his Chaplain to pray for acceptable weather in order to carry out the vital mission.

General Patton had dyslexia, and his tenacity and dedication to being a life learner off-set his disability.


CH (CPT) Davis
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SSG Instructor/Writer

To Hell and Back. (the story of Audie L. Murphy)

A number of books about Gen. Patton.


Both give great examples of leadership and selfless service to ones soldiers

CH (CPT) Heather Davis
CH (CPT) Heather Davis
11 y

SGT(P) Jones:

Respectfully you will see a common theme on serving others and having a calling. General Patton is a prime example of how he served with all of his heart. He came from generations of Military Heros. He served with his Soldiers and not over his Soldiers.

SSG Instructor/Writer
SSG (Join to see)
11 y


   Thats why I respect Gen. Patton and would follow him any day of the week. In my personal opinion the type of lleader Patton was is rare these days. I dont find too many officers that truly understand their soldiers unless they themselves were prior enlisted before crossing over.

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SSG(P) Casualty Operations Ncoic

The Constitution of the United States of America

The Declaration of Independence

"Washington's Crossing"

"The Mission, The Men, and Me"

"In the Company of Heroes"

"The Battle of Mogadishu"

Currently reading "1776."

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SFC Stephen Hester
Here are some of my favorites for professional development:

"Leadership 2.0" (Travis Bradberry, Jeane Greaves)
"Mindsight" (Daniel J. Siegel, M.D.)

"The 5 Levels of Leadership" (John C. Maxwell)

"Sometimes You Win, Sometimes You Learn" (John C. Maxwell)

"15 Invaluable Laws of Growth" (John C. Maxwell)

"21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership" (John C. Maxwell)

"How Successful People Think" (John C. Maxwell)

"Everyone Communicates, Few Connect" (John C. Maxwell)

"Developing the Leaders Around You" (John C. Maxwell)

"Failing Forward" (John C. Maxwell)

"Leadership 101" (John C. Maxwell)

"Start With Why" (Simon Sinek)

"How to Win Friends and Influence People" (Dale Carnegie) 

Military Leadership:

"Grant Takes Command" (Bruce Catton)

"Napoleon's Marshals" (David C. Chandler)

"The Pursuit of Victory: The Life and Achievement of Horatio Nelson" (Roger Knight)


"The Wisdom of Titans" (William J. Ferguson)

"The Compound Effect" (Darren Hardy)

"Trump 101" (Donald Trump)

"Rich Dad, Poor Dad" (Robert Kiyosaki)

"The Cash Flow Quadrant" (Robert Kiyosaki)

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SSgt Forensic Meteorological Consultant
A friend of mine is a Vietnam War Veteran and a Marine and he has a color guard that I will be joining.   Knowing about changes and improving my memory is the first steps.
Col Regional Director, Whem/Ssa And Congressional Liaison
Col (Join to see)
11 y
SSgt Olson, that's great! I have some of my fondest military memories from the days serving on a ceremonial platoon, many events, practices, etc. Those times we supported events as a color guard team were certainly among the most memorable... I know you all will have a great time, meet some great people (I got to meet a WWI veteran at a Marine Corps Ball ceremony years ago), and support some great causes while you're at it! Semper, B
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SSgt Forensic Meteorological Consultant
Major Burns,  I am cut from Polyester.  Dancing to the Bee Gees as we speak or is that the Bee Gee?  :)
Col Regional Director, Whem/Ssa And Congressional Liaison
Col (Join to see)
11 y
hahaha  "Stayin Alive" brother... good one! : )
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