Posted on Apr 29, 2017
SSG Steven Dowell
I'm leaning towards rejoining the Army. I've tried being out but I feel I have more to give to the armed forces and this country. Are there any resources that could help my wife with my transition and any knowledge that could help me to get back in? Thank you for any feedback.
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Responses: 8
WO1 Network Management Technician
no!! don't do it. J/k I am glad you are looking at going back in. If you are in the reserves I know there is a program to go back to active duty with no little issues according to the new army times
WO1 Network Management Technician
WO1 (Join to see)
8 y
SSG Steven Dowell - did you get out after Alaska?
SSG Steven Dowell
SSG Steven Dowell
8 y
WO1 (Join to see) - Not immediately. I went down to Bragg and didn't enjoy the constant police stuff, started missing the Infantry type stuff we used to do, had toxic leadership and a blown knee they wouldn't let me take care of. I got out really to recuperate and regroup. Sounds dumb now that I look back.
WO1 Network Management Technician
WO1 (Join to see)
8 y
SSG Steven Dowell - yeah that is understandable. It is the primary reason why I reclass years ago. Tired of garrison and the stuff that comes around it.

You have knee issues from jumping?
SSG Steven Dowell
SSG Steven Dowell
8 y
WO1 (Join to see) - Not anymore. Just basic arthritis pain in extreme cold. I started doing research and rehabilitation on my own since I'm going to school for physical therapy/strength training. It doesn't even hurt when I run anymore. I was going to reclass but the wife wanted me out, but I can't sit on the couch anymore.
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You'll need to see a Recruiter.

Just like you did when you first joined the Army. You'll need to see if you qualify (you might not), and ask any questions to someone whose job it is to answer them. If you like, I'm a Recruiter, and a Reservist-- so what do you want to know?
SSG Steven Dowell
SSG Steven Dowell
8 y
I'm currently waiting on word back about how to update my PUHLES. I've been talking to a reserve career counselor and he put me on that track. I'm just trying to be a sponge and soak up all the knowledge I can. Besides that are there other things I might need to take care of? Thank you for your insight.
1px xxx
Suspended Profile
8 y
Hard to say without knowing your specific record, goals, and area. Your recruiter and career counselor will walk you through that portion.

You're on the right track with the career counselor though, that's probably your best resource in learning your area. USAR can vary pretty widely based on region.
Lt Col Jim Coe
Understand your current preference for the Army and others in this discussion have provided important information. First, decide what your goals are and how being in the Service supports those goals. If you love police work and want to be in law enforcement with an opportunity to move into supervision in the next 5 years, then rejoining the Service in the MP or Security career field is a good fit. If you are just looking for a pay check and medical benefits for your family, then any good job should do it. With your goals clearly in mind, contact the recruiters for all 5 services. Each has a program for enlisting prior-service members. Each will offer different incentives, or no incentives, for you to join their Service. Take the best deal that fits your goals and family needs. Don't overlook opportunities in the Navy Master at Arms career field just because you were in the Army. If the Navy offers you the best deal in terms of rank, accession date, and other benefits, then take it. Same goes for Air Force Force Protection. Keep an open mind and shop around.
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