Posted on Sep 19, 2022
SPC Israel Sanders
This is more of a doomsday "what if" question. I'm really not worried about getting reactivated.

For SM that got medically retired (like me) and have a reentry code of 4, what would it take for Uncle Sam to reactive them? I sincerely doubt that there's any circumstance in a volunteer military that would look at the SM they just let go because they were too banged up to do the job anymore (in my case an 80% VA rating) and think "y'know, maybe we were a bit too hasty with our decision. Bring him back in."

I would assume for an RE4 it would have to get about this bad: America, for first time since the war of 1812, would have a war on its own turf. Even then, RE4 SM still wouldn't be the first to get conscripted. That would be the able bodied conscripts. Eventually if the war got bad enough and were willing to take just about anybody to pick up a rifle and fight, then they may be reactivated.

Essentially, would it be fair to say that a RE4 would be reactivated right around the time America's screwed?
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Responses: 14
MSG Intermediate Care Technician
The fat, drunken three tooth hillbilly married to his sister would be taken into the ranks before an RE4 would. Seriously, all the RE4 folks are basically put in a pile/on a list that is labeled "DO NOT CALL."
SFC Casey O'Mally
SFC Casey O'Mally
2 y
I don't think that's entirely true. I am longevity retired, not medically, but I still have a 4R RE code. Additionally I am rated out at 100% through VA. But when COVID hit, sure as shit, there was HRC e-mailing me, asking me to come back in. Granted that was a request, not a draft, but still.
SPC Israel Sanders
SPC Israel Sanders
2 y
SFC Casey O'Mally - That's a bit different from my situation. I got medically retired, whereas your code was just retiring out. It is more than a bit odd that you still got the request even after your 100% disability, but, in the never ending screw up that is the army's eyes, the separation code just said you retired. I'm sure that if they tried to press the issue and make you come back, you could show the 100% disability and get them to drop it.
MAJ Gregory Moon
MAJ Gregory Moon
2 y
He would need 4 teeth though they might waive it
SSG Eric Blue
SSG Eric Blue
2 y
SPC Israel Sanders - you can still fight zombies in World War Z. Just independently and not for the military.
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SPC Gary C.
A couple days after 9-11 happened I was at work and our regional manager came out into the shop while I was working on a car, he pulled me into his office and asked me if I was going to be recalled. I looked at him and told him that I would be when he had dug a fox hole in his front yard and had a range card made out. I'm 70%.
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LTC Program Manager
In a doomsday situation all bets are off but as long as we are using the systems currently in place no one is looking to bring back medically separated or retired individuals.
CPT Staff Officer
CPT (Join to see)
2 y
We'd have to be talking "Home Guard" type situations with units being made of 70 year olds and 7 year olds.
PO3 Pamala McBrayer
PO3 Pamala McBrayer
2 y
Depends on the skill set.
What you know is just as important as your former position. People get tapped to come back to help, but not necessarily as active duty. Civilian consultants still happen. Of course, it’s voluntary, but it could happen. My best friend was discharged before the Gulf War kicked off…having severe emotional issues after the death of her child, and her marriage to another soldier crashing and burning. Bad enough to push her processing out with a fitness discharge as a general discharge ( which I fought to get recharacterized with the Army. She got JERKED back onto AD when we went war in Kuwait.
SPC Israel Sanders
SPC Israel Sanders
2 y
PO3 Pamala McBrayer - Not saying the story didn't happen. What I am saying is that, with what's described above: it sound like she got separated for ultimately fitness issues. Which sounds more like a RE-3 situation. Specifically the "waiverable" disqualification part.
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