Posted on Jun 12, 2016
ENS Ansi Officer
50 innocent people were slain when a gunman identified as Omar S. Mateen, a 29-year-old Florida resident and U.S. citizen (who is alleged to support ISIS/ISIL) went on a shooting rampage in Orlando Florida.

Immediately, many liberals and politicians have began shouting this is the fault of guns. Articles already stating that an "assault rifle" was used. Clearly, disregarding the fact that the shooting was a lunatic who supported ISIS.

In my opinion, if guns were "banned" people would only be that much more vulnerable. Those intending to do harm would either find a weapon, or make one. A knife wielding man can take down dozens of people - a suicide bomber, even more.

This event could arguably have been stopped if someone had been open/concealed carrying in the area and taken a shot. Instead, dozens of innocent people lost their lives waiting for Law Enforcement to arrive on scene and put an end to a madman's rampage..

I'd love to hear your thoughts..
Edited >1 y ago
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Responses: 66
Capt Richard I P.
I think legislating under the influence of tragedy is tragedy in and of itself. You don't have to look far for calls for it in my window this thread is right below the one I'm writing in:
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SGT Aaron Atwood
What's my take on them? Nothing I haven't seen yet. They acted the same, and said more or less the same stuff after Sandy Hook, Aurora, and others. I'm waiting to see if the Florida state government will buckle to the antis or not. Colorado and Connecticut did. Heck, CT was so bad most gun manufacturers moved out, and to think only a century ago CT was the place you wanted to go and set up shop if you were in the firearms industry.
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SSG John Erny
What happened in Florida if ISIS backed would have happened any way, had they no local access to a weapon it would have been smuggled in the country. You think not, bet you can get hour hands on smuggled drugs. Their attack is multi pronged, it is an attack on lives and our freedom, both of which radical islamists hate.
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MSgt Michelle Mondia
I'm sure republicans would much more prefer we ban gays not guns. Lol...
SSG UH-60 Helicopter Repairer
SSG (Join to see)
>1 y
All I needed to know. Never deployed, never been in harms way, never sacrificed a damn thing. Your opinion is irrelevant as is your service. Now go back fiquring out how to dodge the next deployment and crying to EO about how everyone is mean to you and let the real soldiers continue to do the real work of the military.
MSgt Michelle Mondia
MSgt Michelle Mondia
>1 y
SSG (Join to see) - more like...Just as I though. if you can't set me up by bating the conversation so you shut it down again by insulting my character. I wouldn't tell you anything personal. You are a sociopath and the transparent way you manipulate the conversation is a classic symptom. You are going to have get back on topic and the fact that strayed this far into the weeds on this makes is obvious you have no rebuttal worth while.
SSG UH-60 Helicopter Repairer
SSG (Join to see)
>1 y
The fact is you are a loser! Most likely always have been and always will be. Case closed!
MSgt Michelle Mondia
MSgt Michelle Mondia
>1 y
SSG (Join to see) - were about to degrade into a "I'm rubber you're glue" paradox. This is how conservatives engage and end every conversation with hostility and judgments and the parties presidential candidate illustrates this superbly. When you can't baffle people with your BS you sling mud and walk away. Without rendering any willful point to support your anger and hatred other than pure frustration about being exposed as mental defective and manipulator.
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Cpl Software Engineer
Edited >1 y ago
Since the LGBT community is at the forefront of the "civil rights" debate, where are the same people shouting civil rights with regards to their right to coexist with the muslim community?

In orlando several days ago, this idiot advocates that the killing of gay people is being compassionate.
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MSgt Michael Bischoff
What about the comments "of the guns rights" people quick to judge others and also saying concealed carry would fix this.
There was someone there with a visible guns and he fired and yet over 100 people shot.
Guns or lack of guns can't fix ideology!!!
SSG Pete Fleming
SSG Pete Fleming
>1 y
I agree, but taking guns out of the hands of the good people won't fix it either.
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