Do Civil Affairs units have any use for physicians? What might a physician do in a civil affairs unit? What MOS would this fall under?
I have heard that physicians in civil affairs units can help with training local doctors, helping develop new health systems abroad, etc. How true is this?
Meet Our USPHS Commissioned Corps Physicians
Read bios and quotes from USPHS Commissioned Corps Physicians.
Office of Marine and Aviation Operations |
Learn about the NOAA Diving Program, which trains, certifies, and equips personnel to safely support underwater missions
This too...also, if you go USPHS as a flight surgeon, you can also get assigned to USCG, which uses USPHS for all clinical stuff other than having their own PAs, for the most part, I've can also go with the NOAA Commissioned Corps, which has its own aviation component....
SoUSAFFS Society of United States Air Force Flight Surgeons
Thank you for visiting the Society of United States Air Force Flight Surgeons (SoUSAFFS) web page. We are the Aerospace Medical Association (AsMA) constituent organization who represents all Air Force flight surgeons (FS): active duty, Air National Guard, Air Force Reserve, and retired. The society exists to advocate for USAF FS at the national and international level and to advance education, cross-talk, mentoring, and networking among all...
Alliance of Air National Guard Flight Surgeons | AANGFS
Hot News: For Information on the 2018 Gulfport Flight Surgeon Meeting and thanks to Col Yank for theAANGFS 2018 Meeting Summaryand AANGFS 2018 Keynote Speaker Highlights
I merely point this out, as they have a senior physician as part of their group...this is the professional group for the state defense forces (SDFs), not all states have them, however, the one good thing about them is, they let one see if one can adapt to svc life before going, understand, they're real militaries, just under sevl states, they supplement the Natl Guard, our dentist, as my sugestion, joined the NY Guard (NYG), liked it, then transferred to Federal going ARNG, as he had a friend who'd wanted him, he just wasn't sure if it'd be for him...I explain all that as most generally don't know the SDFs exist, that's my only reason for explaining about them to you, OK? Also, what was your bachelors in, did you do any grad stuff, MPH, whatever, before you went allo or osteo, what were your GPAs there, as well, it'd help to know that, if you can go into it at all, if you'd rather not, I entirely understand, of course...also, in an SDF, you're not ordinarily deployed out of state, and, if a Federal svc picks you up, my understanding is you can normally be released, just as was the case with our dentist, whom I've known for about 30 yrs now....
SGAUS – State Guard Association of the United States
State Guard Association of the United States
Military mental health services at USPHS Commissioned Corps
Military behavioral health, mental health services. USPHS Commissioned Corps
Read wanna see reality, not fantasy? Ask to do a rotation with them...I don't know if they'd let you as a civilian, you might have to be on scholarship, however, I merely point it out to at least look through....
United States Army Medical Research Institute of Infectious Diseases - Wikipedia
The United States Army Medical Research Institute of Infectious Diseases (USAMRIID; pronounced: you-SAM-rid) is the U.S Army's main institution and facility for defensive research into countermeasures against biological warfare. It is located on Fort Detrick, Maryland and is a subordinate lab of the U.S. Army Medical Research and Materiel Command (USAMRMC), headquartered on the same installation.