I am currently a medical student. After medical school, I plan to become board-certified in Family Medicine, Emergency Medicine, or Internal Medicine. I am very interested in Civil Affairs, and I hoped to join a CA unit through the reserves.
Do Civil Affairs units have any use for physicians? What might a physician do in a civil affairs unit? What MOS would this fall under?
I have heard that physicians in civil affairs units can help with training local doctors, helping develop new health systems abroad, etc. How true is this?
Do Civil Affairs units have any use for physicians? What might a physician do in a civil affairs unit? What MOS would this fall under?
I have heard that physicians in civil affairs units can help with training local doctors, helping develop new health systems abroad, etc. How true is this?
Posted 6 y ago
Responses: 33
AMSUS, The Society of Federal Health Professionals, is a non-profit member-based educational and professional development association serving the Department of Defense, Veterans Affairs, Health and Human Services, and Homeland Security, federal health professionals and their families, our industry partners and advocates for advancing health for all- particularly through interagency collaboration. AMSUS supports the federal health professional...
And believer me, I have family who do what you want, and are where you wanna be, aside from all those I trained under as well, I assure you, four in my family...as I said, a really, really long, tired, tiring, wearying story, honest....
I'm gonna suggest some stuff, incl what I just sent you the link for, as I've been down the road you want...I'm disabled now, I was doctoral-level allied health, I should've been med, I tried allo and osteo, it'd help to know which you are...that being said, trust me, what you're envisioning, while I entirely follow your logic, isn't what actually happens...trust me, I know...one guy in the program I was in got an allied-health active-duty residency as an alternate, just before we finished, he actually got picked up...one of my attendings was a USPHS O-6, full Captain, I wanted very, very badly to go his route, I nearly got it, as I said, then everything went totally sideways, long story, not relevant, just explaining...trust me, before you go off dreaming up such totally pie-in-the-sky notions, believe me, I wanted what you want worse then breathing, tell me what year you are, your GPA, whether you're allo or osteo, and I'll help you plan it right...what you're describing isn't reality, it's not how it's done, honest...I trained at multiple VA hospitals, I saw a good deal of the world you want, I couldn't get it...there are numerous other alternatives, things I can show you that you quite simply won't know about, I assure you, honest...so, read what I'm gonna send you, and elaborate as I'd said...I'm not telling you to not do it, I'm telling you what reality is, versus fantasy, OK? So trust me, elaborate as I'd said, I have an interest in such career/educ stuff...I did seven years of residency, of which I finished six, before I got too ill to finish...I got within months of my surgical board eligibility...I trained in 10 different teaching hospitals in three different states, I treated some 10000 patients in residency, and assisted with some 200-300 OR cases, not just what I was doing, a whole slew of other fields...have you published? If so, what journals? Have you looked at any other svcs at all thus far? What explicit, detailed research interests do you have? Do you have even a vestige of a clue what active duty existence is actually like? I'm speaking of additional duties, professional military education (PME), do you also want a Ph.D.? If so, what field? You must've looked at USUHS, the svc program, I'll send you the link, have you looked at their Ph.D. program, as well as their online certificate program in preventive med that only active duty, Guard, and Reserve can do? There are a virtual plethora of topics to the Pandora's Box you're looking at, so trust me, it's just that civil affairs, while I entirely understand your reasoning, isn't likely to fit into day-to-day svc reality, honest...now, that being said, if you want straight clinical, USPHS has an agreement with the other svcs to use USPHS psych-related personnel, if you might have an inclination to go that way...also, look at the USPHS Jr and Sr COSTEP, and, honestly, if I were you, I'd get the Ph.D. before you went in, IF you're inclined that way, as you're not gonna have a chance for several tours if you go in without it...would you also want flight surgeon at all? You have to understand, all svc clinical personnel intermingle, the days of you being involved with your own svc for clinical stuff is long gone...leave civil affairs aside for now, look at what I show you, elaborate as I said, then I'll try to explain more...if you're gonna do it, then for God's sake, plan it right, and do it the right way...I had totally idiotic pie-in-the-sky notions about the type of bioengineering research I'd wanted, I completely bollixed everything up...now, you're more than halfway there, so benefit from my exposure, and, so far as possible, let me try to help you the right way. OK? I'd be most eager to hear more...believe me, I wanted it, worse than you ever possibly could, and got really, really close...I can explain many clinical realities to you, I just need to know more...if you're on rotations, tell me which ones thus far, what types of facilities, office based, clinic, hospital, OR, be specific, trust me, I've been MORE than around this block, I trained under God only knows how many MDs and DOs, so trust me, been there, done that (BTDT), as I'd said, OK?
I'm gonna suggest some stuff, incl what I just sent you the link for, as I've been down the road you want...I'm disabled now, I was doctoral-level allied health, I should've been med, I tried allo and osteo, it'd help to know which you are...that being said, trust me, what you're envisioning, while I entirely follow your logic, isn't what actually happens...trust me, I know...one guy in the program I was in got an allied-health active-duty residency as an alternate, just before we finished, he actually got picked up...one of my attendings was a USPHS O-6, full Captain, I wanted very, very badly to go his route, I nearly got it, as I said, then everything went totally sideways, long story, not relevant, just explaining...trust me, before you go off dreaming up such totally pie-in-the-sky notions, believe me, I wanted what you want worse then breathing, tell me what year you are, your GPA, whether you're allo or osteo, and I'll help you plan it right...what you're describing isn't reality, it's not how it's done, honest...I trained at multiple VA hospitals, I saw a good deal of the world you want, I couldn't get it...there are numerous other alternatives, things I can show you that you quite simply won't know about, I assure you, honest...so, read what I'm gonna send you, and elaborate as I'd said...I'm not telling you to not do it, I'm telling you what reality is, versus fantasy, OK? So trust me, elaborate as I'd said, I have an interest in such career/educ stuff...I did seven years of residency, of which I finished six, before I got too ill to finish...I got within months of my surgical board eligibility...I trained in 10 different teaching hospitals in three different states, I treated some 10000 patients in residency, and assisted with some 200-300 OR cases, not just what I was doing, a whole slew of other fields...have you published? If so, what journals? Have you looked at any other svcs at all thus far? What explicit, detailed research interests do you have? Do you have even a vestige of a clue what active duty existence is actually like? I'm speaking of additional duties, professional military education (PME), do you also want a Ph.D.? If so, what field? You must've looked at USUHS, the svc program, I'll send you the link, have you looked at their Ph.D. program, as well as their online certificate program in preventive med that only active duty, Guard, and Reserve can do? There are a virtual plethora of topics to the Pandora's Box you're looking at, so trust me, it's just that civil affairs, while I entirely understand your reasoning, isn't likely to fit into day-to-day svc reality, honest...now, that being said, if you want straight clinical, USPHS has an agreement with the other svcs to use USPHS psych-related personnel, if you might have an inclination to go that way...also, look at the USPHS Jr and Sr COSTEP, and, honestly, if I were you, I'd get the Ph.D. before you went in, IF you're inclined that way, as you're not gonna have a chance for several tours if you go in without it...would you also want flight surgeon at all? You have to understand, all svc clinical personnel intermingle, the days of you being involved with your own svc for clinical stuff is long gone...leave civil affairs aside for now, look at what I show you, elaborate as I said, then I'll try to explain more...if you're gonna do it, then for God's sake, plan it right, and do it the right way...I had totally idiotic pie-in-the-sky notions about the type of bioengineering research I'd wanted, I completely bollixed everything up...now, you're more than halfway there, so benefit from my exposure, and, so far as possible, let me try to help you the right way. OK? I'd be most eager to hear more...believe me, I wanted it, worse than you ever possibly could, and got really, really close...I can explain many clinical realities to you, I just need to know more...if you're on rotations, tell me which ones thus far, what types of facilities, office based, clinic, hospital, OR, be specific, trust me, I've been MORE than around this block, I trained under God only knows how many MDs and DOs, so trust me, been there, done that (BTDT), as I'd said, OK?
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