Posted on Jul 10, 2018
TSgt David Whitmore
Is it considered proper use of addressing a person by the rank they held in the service after they left the service do to retirement, medical discharge, or just plain EOSing out?

In the past, I've seen where civilian forms of addressing (one's salutatory title) one is replaced by the last military rank they had held. I still receive mail addressed to 'Col ...' with the name of the man that previously lived at my mailing address. Heck, I even get stuff addressed to 'Mrs Col ...'. Interesting, right? Except they've not lived here in 15 years.
Back to my question: I have seen this occur more in European countries than here in the US.

I was just wonder how you all felt about it.
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Responses: 15
Maj John Bell
Edited >1 y ago
I ask how the person would like to be addressed. Then I do that.

Some smart asses are still regretting their response years later.
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PO1 Don Gulizia
Depends on how much I like and respect the person...from best to worst, it would be something like this: Jimmy, Shipmate, Commander, Jones, shipmate, shitbird
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MSgt Steven Holt, NRP, CCEMT-P
I can't speak for others, but for myself, I prefer to called "Steve". I've been retired for several years, and while I'm proud of my service, it no longer defines who I am. A few retirees I know I will refer to by their rank as a show of respect for them. Others I call by their name without reference to previous rank just because I know it pisses them off and I can't abide arrogant a$$hats.
SP5 Joel O'Brien
SP5 Joel O'Brien
>1 y
Likewise. No one needs to address me by anything other than "Joel", "Joe" or "Obie."
Col Richard Roessler
Col Richard Roessler
>1 y
Ha ha! Thanks Steve! :) Incidentally, I’m Rick. Sorry, you can’t tick me off by calling me by my first name because my greatest joy is not having to get ticked off when people call me by my first name and my second favorite joy is being able to walk into a room and not have a bunch of people suddenly stand up and look at me thinking I will say something smart. I never have said anything smart and certainly don’t want to have to start now!
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