Posted on Apr 19, 2016
What is the proper way to address a Warrant Officer Candidate?
Posted 9 y ago
Responses: 32
He/she are to be addressed as candidate. They are no longer enlisted and not a qualified officer yet that is why they wear WOC Then once they complete WOC then they can be addressed as
I think we should call them 'wocs'.
"hey, woc over here", "woc this way", and the ever popular "woc, with me"
"hey, woc over here", "woc this way", and the ever popular "woc, with me"
1SG (Join to see)
I've applied twice. Both times my proponent disqualified me based on technical issues. For example, the support Bn I was in did not have a company in its structure. I had a Major XO, and LTC CO. The XO did the "company" LOR. The packet was DQ'd for not having a company level recommendation
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