What is the process of going to USMA as a current soldier?
Read this about USMC PLC....
US Marine Corps Platoon Leader Course: What You Need to Know
The Marine Corps Platoon Leaders Course (PLC) is an alternative for NROTC or OCS for college students who wish to become commissioned officers.
These aren't easy, they're pretty rough in fact, yes ago, I did math, engineering which doesntnexist anymore, and physics, one needs a minimum raw score, not a percentile, physics took me three tries to pass, however, if you get an adequate raw score, you can get either 24 or 30 pass fail credits, Excelsior gave !e 30 for each,, different schools credit them different way, I got 15 assocs level, 15 bach level, Excelsior has a 2nd degree rule for 30 more credits, if one wants a 2nd bach, or 15 credits for a 2md assoc, assoc is type 60 credits, bach is type 120 credits, normatively, nationwide, with some variations, of course....
About the GRE Subject Tests (For Test Takers)
GRE Subject Tests allow you to demonstrate your knowledge and skill level in one of seven disciplines: Biochemistry, Cell and Molecular Biology; Biology; Chemistry; Literature in English; Mathematics; Physics; and Psychology.
CLEP – Get College Credit With What You Already Know – The College Board
CLEP offers 33 exams covering material generally taught in the first two years of college. Get started today.
Call them too, they also military transcripts, there are numerous sites on them, they're less well known....
This is in NJ, just as legitimate,mplus it's a NJ state program, you coupd probably get in state ratesmas active duty, even if not from NJ, ask, OK?
College Degrees for Adults at Thomas Edison State University
Thomas Edison State University provides opportunities for adults to earn a college degree. Explore our programs, online courses and flexible transfer credit policies today.
Look at this also, it doesn't include Army WOCS, or any of the OIS indoc programs for direct commissions, however,not does have the five standardmOCS programs, with a fairly decent question section....
Also, if you want flight, Army WOCS only needs high school for helicopters, I'm not ssyingnyou want it, you miuhht well already know, I'm just sending it to be thorough....
If you have dreamed of becoming a helicopter or fixed-wing pilot, the Army can help you turn that dream into a reality. Warrant Officers fly some of the most exciting, technologically advanced aircraft in the world.