Posted on Nov 29, 2016
What is the policy/process for granting leave in excess of earned leave?
A new LT graduated from OCS and reported to BOLC yesterday. Today LT is briefed that all reserve SMs will only be granted leave for exodus equal to what will be earned (10 days). The course will be suspended 17 Dec - 2 Jan; all AC Soldiers will be granted full leave.
I know the AC SMs have/will earn more leave days. What is the process to grant excess leave or recoup the "deficit"?
I know the AC SMs have/will earn more leave days. What is the process to grant excess leave or recoup the "deficit"?
Posted >1 y ago
Responses: 3
I can't exactly cite the process or policy, but I can speak to my own experience.
When I went to BOLC most of my class was RC and in the same situation over exodus. We only received the 10 days of leave; excess was not granted since we don't earn leave on m-day status upon return to assignment. While we didn't get to be home the full break, we did one in-person check-in upon return then reported each morning but had the remainder of the days off. Some RC Soldiers took advantage of the Gold Bar Recruiting through a recruiting station at home to enable them to stay home longer without taking excess leave.
When I went to BOLC most of my class was RC and in the same situation over exodus. We only received the 10 days of leave; excess was not granted since we don't earn leave on m-day status upon return to assignment. While we didn't get to be home the full break, we did one in-person check-in upon return then reported each morning but had the remainder of the days off. Some RC Soldiers took advantage of the Gold Bar Recruiting through a recruiting station at home to enable them to stay home longer without taking excess leave.
1SG (Join to see)
Thank you for the info, LT. Was there any organized effort to engage the students who were stuck on post for the remaining 6 days?
MAJ Laurie H.
On one day we did post beautification but otherwise no. We organized ourselves to do some PT, and some people landed CQ shifts, but for the most part instructors were staff were also taking leave so we were left to our own devices. All through BOLC the pass policy was pretty strict, but that sort of went out the window during exodus.
Unless something changed it is a local policy and commander's decision, not a regulatory issue. If you are looking to support the LT's want for more leave, ask the question from the other end.. "Sir, what regulation supports your decision to not allow the LT to take the full leave period, regardless of accumulated leave? Sir clearly a New LT with severals years of service obligation will have the time remaining in service to "earn" the excess leave he takes this leave period"
In general, as a supervisor, i did not sign off on using excess was an option when it was shown to be tin the best interest of the SM, but not an automatic thing just because the leave period was announced as available. Many times SM think only of the now, not the tomorrow..when they ask for and receive excess leave for the standard christmas leave , and are now denied leave 6 months from now when a relative could really use the help moving out of a bad situation, new baby brother is born.... grandmas last birthday has come about..ect...
In general, as a supervisor, i did not sign off on using excess was an option when it was shown to be tin the best interest of the SM, but not an automatic thing just because the leave period was announced as available. Many times SM think only of the now, not the tomorrow..when they ask for and receive excess leave for the standard christmas leave , and are now denied leave 6 months from now when a relative could really use the help moving out of a bad situation, new baby brother is born.... grandmas last birthday has come about..ect...
1SG (Join to see)
Thank you for the response; I have seen your posts before SGM and your knowledge is as vast as it is incitful. I have no personal experience with an exodus over a holiday period. It seems to me that in this circumstance, there is a greater benefit to all parties involved to allow students to be with their families if there is no specific need to keep the Soldiers on post. The two main factors I see are accountability of personnel and finances. If there is no way to use "creative accounting" to stack a pass onto block leave, there should be a means to allow a SM to buy back the unearned days. These will be unproductive days of SMs sitting in their rooms wishing they were with spouses and children. Sounds like a potential problem to me.
MAJ Rene De La Rosa
Totally agree with you, SGM Erik Marquez and 1SG Brian Mc. If this goes to the SM's benefit, why not give them the option to continue on and "go in the hole" for that leave? One would have happier troops, and they are fully engaged in getting the training done. Otherwise, there are some cantankerous and disgruntled individuals just starting out in the Army.
Eventually the personnel/pay records will be audited and the service will get their pound of flesh...........
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