Posted on May 20, 2015
CH (MAJ) William Beaver
Security has been increased on military posts across the nation. What is the likelihood that ISIS representatives or ISIS sympathizers are currently on US military posts?
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Sgt Jay Jones
I don't think there is anyone here who can disagree with the fact that ISIS is in the United States.

Since President Obama has in defacto declared WAR on ISIS.

What is the military's role in this "War" on the domestic home front.

If you are standing in line at Starbucks and someone is in line also wearing an ISIS shirt or robe, what is our obligation as Veterans, Retired, or Active Duty Military?

1) What kind of action do you take if any, if you are Active Duty?
2) What kind of action do you take if any, if you are Retired Military?
3) What kind of action do you take if any, if you are a Veteran?

I have no doubts in my mind that this will become an issue in the very near future. What are our legal responsibilities? What are our moral responsibilities.

We all took an oath to protect the country against all enemies both foreign and DOMESTIC?

Join nearly 2 million former and current members of the US military, just like you.
