Posted on Feb 5, 2019
I was having a friendly argument with my squad leader about the abbreviation of Private (E-1). Is it PV1 or PVT? He says it is PVT and I say it is PV1. I don't think that it is actually stated anywhere whether it is either one. However, I showed him AR 600-8-19, and it shows PV1. It is also PV1 on all the medical stuff I do for my Reserve unit (I'm an ARA). One of our Privates has his CAC card and it shows PVT. What say you? is it PVT or PV1? I don't think it is OFFICIALLY one or the other, but it was funny finding all the discrepancies trying to prove each other wrong.
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Responses: 16
Maj John Bell
Edited 6 y ago
Probably no help at all, since I am a Marine and we abbreviate all ranks correctly. And the Army makes mistakes all the time :) But no rank includes a number (except Lt's. and we all know why Lt's are different) and 1stSgt, but that is a curse because one time in the entire history of Marine First Sergeants' a Lt was right when he disagreed with the 1stSgt so the good Lord smote all 1stSgts for all time. It was a Yankees vs Mets issue, not a military one.
By pay grade
E-1 = Private = Pvt,
E-2 = Private First Class = PFC because there are no second class Marines
E-3 = Lance Corporal = LCpl because if you aren't starting to assert yourself and act/think like a Corporal your day are numbered.
E-4 = Corporal = CPL because the Army has specialists, I guess they get paid like Cpl's But still act like LCpl's

Yes I am busting inter-service rivalry balls. If you Squad Leader wants to fire some back tell him to fill out the form in crayon, because I need a light snack. (If you don't get the crayon comment, keep running it up the chain of command until someone explains it to you.)
CWO4 Personnel Officer
CWO4 (Join to see)
6 y
Sir, you forgot about CWOs. We have numbers too :).
Maj John Bell
Maj John Bell
6 y
CWO4 (Join to see) - And that's why Warrant Officers exist. To take down cocky Majors :)
CWO4 Personnel Officer
CWO4 (Join to see)
6 y
Maj John Bell OohRah, sir!

Semper Fi
SGT Richard H.
SGT Richard H.
6 y
SP5 Joel O'Brien - I think the term "sham shield" mostly came into play after my time as well...I'm '83-'92
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SGT Joseph Gunderson
E-1 is PVT, E-2 is PV2, E-3 is PFC
SGT Joseph Gunderson
SGT Joseph Gunderson
6 y
SFC (Join to see) - as a 42A you should always remember that your bread and butter is HRC. If you ever run into an issue like this again (where you are trying to find something official i.e. a regulation) always go to google and search for the basic item but pair it with HRC. I searched for "department of the army hrc proper rank abbreviations". Go for the PDF files that pop up and use the ctrl+F function to skim. I found this in (obviously) about two minutes.
SFC (Join to see)
6 y
SGT Joseph Gunderson I'm not a 42A, I'm actually not even in a 42 series MOS, but I knew that if there was something that did specify one way or the other, it would most likely be a 42A. Glad to have you 42As!
SGT Joseph Gunderson
SGT Joseph Gunderson
6 y
SFC (Join to see) - my bad, misunderstanding, I ssaw "unit administrator" as the topic and thought it was your MOS. I wasn't a 42A either lol I was a 19D lol
SFC (Join to see)
6 y
SGT Joseph Gunderson It's all good, I'll type slower next time for 19D folk lol jk I'm a 91L
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1SG Civil Affairs Specialist
PV1 is accurate.
Also acceptable is "fuzzy".
SFC (Join to see)
6 y
You haven't heard, 1SG? They now have plain camo patches to put over their fuzz so they can feel good about themselves *eye roll*
1SG Civil Affairs Specialist
1SG (Join to see)
6 y
SFC (Join to see) - I've seen them, but they are rare.
Most of the E-1s I've seen over the years used to have some other rank there. Rank that was unceremoniously tossed aside somewhere when they "made" E-1 again.
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