Posted on Nov 19, 2015
What is the best recourse for me to go to medical school after the Army just branched me AG branch detail Infantry?
Branches just came out for my class of 2016. I am G2GADO and am on the top third of the OML for the accessions process. However, the Army didn't get enough Branch details for Infantry so the Infantry chose me. I requested for Medical Services so my transition to USUHS (medical school) would be easier. I am definitely not happy with this choice and I know I am not the first person it happened to but I was wondering if there is anything I could do to appeal this decision or if there is any recourse. Of course, I am more than willing to continue this path IBOLC, Range school, and Airborne, but my desire is to be an Army Surgeon.
I could still drop my PA packet but I honestly wouldn't be satisfied truly if I wasn't a doctor. Please give me your professional opinions and guidance!
I could still drop my PA packet but I honestly wouldn't be satisfied truly if I wasn't a doctor. Please give me your professional opinions and guidance!
Posted 9 y ago
Responses: 28
One other "food for thought" observation, such as it is...when I wanted it, I lost sight of reality, I'm afraid, and forgot that all-time classic "No matter where you go, there you are....", saying that, trust me, where you are, doing what you're assigned, is ALWAYS NUMERO UNO, otherwise, you're gonna lose ANY chance to get it...ALWAYS...I lost sight of that in my efforts to be allowed to do "the clinical side"...I really did, and BELIEVE me, I KICK myself about it, CONSTANTLY, day, night, weekends, holidays, 24/7, promise...remember, Yoda knows all, sees all, OK?
And believe me, I've been through the whole "wouldn't be satisfied" thing about the whole "doctor" thing longer than you've been alive, I assure you, I swear, OK? Trust me, and believe what Yoda tells you on this stuff, OK?
And I saw what you said about PA just now, trust me, half a loaf is decidedly better than zip, once again, been there, done that (BTDT)...if you can get PA then morph to med, believe me, I've tried it all, seen it all, I may not know it all, but I by God have most definitely been around it all...once again, believe what I tell you, OK? If you can drop a packet, do it, and keep looking at what I sent you, if you luck out and can get med, even if you're PA, you "might" have a chance to switch, I do NOT know for sure about that, once again, ASK, OK?
Also, just to explain somewhat, being less glib about it, I totally bollixed up the whole thing, a USAF OTS recruiter I spoke with after I couldn't finish Army ROTC told me to go and see a USAF Biomed Sci Corps (BSC) recruiter about going AFSC 9124F, biomed engr, it's a different AFSC now, it still exists...needless to say, I was a pluperfect idiot, and completely bollixed it all up past all human belief...learn from my errors, and let me help you, OK? Trust me, you DON'T learn from those who succeed, you ONLY learn from those who fail, Dad had a saying I've learned is very true, "The only mistakes you make are those that cost you....", saying that, the sun shines, the world revolves, life goes on, just believe what I say, and trust Yoda, willya? OK?
I figure all that oughta keep you going for awhile...I know I deluged you, believe me, you'll be weary now, though you'll thank me later, OK? Just trust me, and real ALL of it, ALL, OK? I'm here if you wanna yak, like I said, OK? Enjoy....
Also, you're most definitely gonna need to expand your parameters a good has had a back door to MD programs, now DO, doing them accelerated, with either one or two years of credit for years, since the 70s, I know, I checked, what I did started to do it, I tried, I wasn't allowed, long story, just trust me, I've been ALL over this, lool up orthognathic surgery, doing craniofacial abnormalities, also, dental at NIH has the NIDR, or whatever it's morphed into now, plus, you can ride the dental gravy train all the way to MD/DO, DDS/DMD, and PhD, in oral biology and/or dental materials, PLUS, you TOTALLY avoid the normal med school US admit process, if you do it this way, so, trust Yoda, and to Obi-Wan you listen, OK Luke?
Also, you're most definitely gonna need to expand your parameters a good has had a back door to MD programs, now DO, doing them accelerated, with either one or two years of credit for years, since the 70s, I know, I checked, what I did started to do it, I tried, I wasn't allowed, long story, just trust me, I've been ALL over this, lool up orthognathic surgery, doing craniofacial abnormalities, also, dental at NIH has the NIDR, or whatever it's morphed into now, plus, you can ride the dental gravy train all the way to MD/DO, DDS/DMD, and PhD, in oral biology and/or dental materials, PLUS, you TOTALLY avoid the normal med school US admit process, if you do it this way, so, trust Yoda, and to Obi-Wan you listen, OK Luke?
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My Experience as an ROTC says no, nothing you can do. It's a needs of the Army thing....your wants take a distant second concern.
Is that fair.. Yes, is it feel good for you NO.. it sucks..... But I don't think there is anything you can do, but move forward. Do the BEST you can do at the job assigned, and look to the day you can get to the career field you want
Is that fair.. Yes, is it feel good for you NO.. it sucks..... But I don't think there is anything you can do, but move forward. Do the BEST you can do at the job assigned, and look to the day you can get to the career field you want
Apply to all of these also, though they can be a trifle odd, in that their left osteopathic hand often doesn't wanna seem to acknowledge the right allopathic hand, just trust me, and take a really hard look, OK?
Apply to all of these also, though they can be a trifle odd, in that their left osteopathic hand often doesn't wanna seem to acknowledge the right allopathic hand, just trust me, and take a really hard look, OK?
Trust me, you wanna have your cake and eat it too, look at this, you'd have to be willing to go psych, though you can serve with Army, Navy, or USAF on a 3-yr tour....
Trust me, you wanna have your cake and eat it too, look at this, you'd have to be willing to go psych, though you can serve with Army, Navy, or USAF on a 3-yr tour....
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