This is another little known option, NYnjas a naval militia, it's Federally recognized, whereas the NY Guard apparently isn't, it's for drilling USNR, USMCR,mand USCGR personnel, who want to drill with NY State, I'm sure other states and territories have them, I've just never found one, it's not an SDF, per se, since it is Federally recognized, I just thought I'd show it so you'd have a basis for comparison....
New York’s Naval Militia - the nation's oldest, continuously-serving, federally-recognised state naval force
This is the NYS SDF page for Tue NY Guard, the NY supplement to the Natl Guard, as I'd said they're a reap military, though state, boot camp, enlistment contracts, their own OCS, all of it, as I'd !mentioned, it can give you a very good perspective on the life before trying a regular Federal service, I merely !mention it as an alternative, that:s all, honestz just to see how you'd fare in that world before committing to the other, OK?
New York Guard State Volunteer Force
The New York State Guard - New York’s Volunteer Military Force -
As a case in point, this is the NUS DMNA job page, listing AGR and other openings, I'm sure analogous pages exist for all other states and/or territories....
State, Army and Air Force Technician and AGR job vacancies and Links to Other Job Banks, services and job-search tools through the New York Division of Military and Naval Affairs
This is on the AGR program....
Army Reserves Open More Full-Time AGR Positions
The Active-Guard-Reserve program has seen an increase of approximately 300 new assignment opportunities during this fiscal year.
This is on the Guard Tech program...
Writing a National Guard Technician Dual-status Federal Resume
If you're a NG Technician looking for new civil service positions, follow these resume tips.
This is the USAFR program for Reserve Tech....
Air Reserve Technician Program - Wikipedia
Air Reserve Technicians, commonly referred to as ARTs, are a nucleus of full-time uniformed U.S. Air Force leaders, managers, operators, planners and trainers in what is known as the Air Reserve Component (ARC) of the United States Air Force, the ARC consisting of both the Air Force Reserve and the Air National Guard.