Posted on Jun 13, 2016
SGT Shop Foreman
Im a 91m. Just wanted some real advice on what it takes.
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Responses: 16
CW2 Pilot
A Warrant Officer is the man behind the curtain. That is to say they knows their job inside and out they not only find problems but provide solutions. Our job is one that requires mental agility, the ability to communicate what we know it whatever timeline is available. The job is one that if you are doing it right your command will know what you are doing for them and most of the time no one else will have a clue. You have to be a self starter that is not in the job for praise but about making your organization better I hope that paints a picture for you. Good luck if you choose to follow this path it is worth worth it.
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CW3 Tom Sheahan
91M, thanks a Mechanic, correct? So I take it you are going for WO in that field? I went from the infantry to a Pilot, so I won't be able to answer how you are treated in that MOS field. The school was mental more than physical. When I went they tried to break you down, and build you back up. I was an E-6 and was in The Army for 9 years already so I didn't think it was hard. The goal is for you to be the Expert in that field. You are suppose to be able to work on your own and be able to be the middle person between the PLTs, COs, & higher between the Enlisted. I wish you the best and good luck in your future!!
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CW4 Information Systems Technician
All of these answers are great, hard to add much to what my fellow Warrants had to say...but I'll give it a try.

They say that with great power comes great responsibility, and I have found that to be absolutely true as an Army Warrant Officer. The buck really does stop with you. You must know your field inside and out because everyone, juniors and seniors alike, will look to Chief for the answer. And if you don't know the answer you must find it, oftentimes with no guidance whatsoever! It's like tightrope walking without a net some days, a white -knuckled thrill ride, simultaneously exhilarating and terrifying. Do you like being the "go to guy" who brings everything back online when it goes down? The guy that your seniors and subordinates turn to in times of crisis? Then this is the job for you. I love it! Going Warrant was one of the best decisions I ever made.

All of the advice about finding a mentor was spot on. My mentor (many years ago as a young PFC) was CW3 Ebert. He was an absolute professional, and a heck of a nice guy to boot, humble, patient and kind. He really knew his stuff! And he showed me what right looked like, day in and day out. I do my best to emulate his example.

If you decide to go down this path, i won't be easy, but it will be worth it.
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CW3 Luther Deese
A Warrant Officer is a technical leader . He/She is the most proficient technician in is/her MOS. The primary responsibility of a Warrant is to make sure his those he/she is charged with supervising or training are well trained in the specifics of the jobs involved. If a Warrant is successful, the underlings will be as good as their masters, so to speak. Then, a Warrant Officer will have been successful!
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CW3 Doyle Frost
It's demanding of one's time, and efforts. But it is well worth it, if for nothing but the pride and self satisfaction of knowing one is the best one can be. At the same time, one has to have a willingness to be a valuable member of a team comprised of many talented soldiers. Pay attention to all around you, people, places, and things. Be aware of your environment at all times. At the same time, remember, the team is only as good as the least able member of your team, therefore, as a team leader, it is your responsibility to improve the entire team by working harder with that soldier.
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1stSgt Sergeant Major/First Sergeant
In the Marine Corps, it takes technical skill in the field that you are going to. This is normally found by working in that field for years before applying.
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