Posted on Aug 21, 2017
What is Army Space Operations (FA40) all about?
I have always been interested in this field. What does a day in the life of a Army Space Operations Officer look like? What increases my chances to VTIP into the area? Are assignments within the field located in multiple areas (CONUS and OCONUS)? Do you deploy? Any tips for someone who may want to join? Thanks in advance!
Posted >1 y ago
Responses: 7
There are a variety of roles as a FA40. I went from being an Infantry Officer to Aviation Officer to Space Operations Officer. Infantry Officers can offer the perspective of the warfighter. But, there are technical aspects to Space Operations that can be challenging for those who haven't done some kind of applied mathematics or science. I found my duties to be more relevant to being an Aviation Officer when it came to thinking about the effects of the space environment on operations (it's a similar way of thinking with aviation planning.) Originally, I had Political Science and History degrees which were perfect for the Infantry, but I re-did my degrees and did applied mathematics and science. I would have been lost without that background. We did have an Infantry officer with a political science degree in my class, and his opinions were discounted routinely. It was a shame because with his liberal arts thinking his instincts and ideas would be good, but without the science knowledge he didn't have the confidence to know if his ideas were good or how to argue them to others. [He brought up a question about a planning aspect of satellite design to a contractor, and the contractor was dismissive; I was annoyed because the question was good and the contractor just didn't know about that planning aspect; but I had to explain all of that to my classmate; as a FA40 you are expected to be the SME and could be briefing generals very early on.] -- My best advice is to contact the FA40 branch manager to see what the requirements are; then backwards plan. Personally, I would apply for an education program through the Army to get a master's degree that is as technical as what your background will allow for and also one that meets your interests. There is an online degree through the University of Colorado at Colorado Springs in Space Operations; but you will need a few math classes first; it would definitely be one of those things that would make your application stand out. -- And yes FA40's can deploy; there are probably articles on it you can find through AKO.
If you're at a NIPR, go to HRC, and their FA40 site will give you a link to the "ASKMS - Army Space Knowledge Management Site"
1) day in the life varies DRASTICALLY based on job, boss, and how much 'Space' knowledge you can bring to the fight.
2) Masters in STEM field, but really we're pretty well rounded
3) yes, however OCONUS is extremely limited. We're in MTOE, TDA, and Joint. MTOE is at echelons DIV and up. Strangely though, not really at most Combatant Commands.
2) Masters in STEM field, but really we're pretty well rounded
3) yes, however OCONUS is extremely limited. We're in MTOE, TDA, and Joint. MTOE is at echelons DIV and up. Strangely though, not really at most Combatant Commands.
MAJ (Join to see)
Posted prematurely. I said not a recruiter, because I can see you're already in.
Log into HRC w/ CAC credentials, navigate through the tabs to Officer careers, and look under Operations Support grouping for FA40-Space Ops. Not only can you speak to our Branch Manager MAJ Rich, there's an additional link (outside HRC domain) for the Army Space Professional Development Office.
Log into HRC w/ CAC credentials, navigate through the tabs to Officer careers, and look under Operations Support grouping for FA40-Space Ops. Not only can you speak to our Branch Manager MAJ Rich, there's an additional link (outside HRC domain) for the Army Space Professional Development Office.
CPT James Skeen
Sorry to bring this thread back from the dead, but thought I'd ask here: I'm a former 11A, got out in late 2014 to go to grad school, and finishing up IRR time now. I have an MS in geospatial science, and I'm wondering about FA40 as a reservist in one of the Fort Carson units. Has anyone here taken this route? I was a 1LT, on the promotion list, just under two months shy of promotion when I got out, if that matters. Had just received orders for MICCC before they were cancelled (branch detailed). If anyone here as a similar experience, please send me a private message. I'd love to pick your brain about FA40 and space operations. Thanks!
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