Posted on Sep 1, 2019
What information is available on the 62nd Medical Brigade at Fort Lewis?
Does anyone have any information on 62nd medical brigade at Fort Lewis? I've been offered this for PCS, but I like to do my research first. Im a 68w and have been on the line most of my first contract so i'm hoping to get some hospital time in at some point. Any information helps
Posted >1 y ago
Responses: 11
If you're offered it, you better take it before someone else does. Every other medic in the Army who's been on the line is looking at the same requisition and its there until someone else grabs it.
SPC, 62nd MED BDE is a great duty assignment for medical personnel, as already mentioned below. Under the BDE, you could be assigned to the 47th Combat Support Hospital (CSH), 56th MMB, or within the actual BDE headquarters. I've spent some time in the BDE and one.of the 1SGs currently in the CSH. Here is the 62nd MED BDE FB link below. Thanks for reaching out!

62ND MEDICAL BRIGADE, JBLM, WA. 2,357 likes · 104 talking about this. This is the official Facebook page for the 62nd Medical Brigade.Proud and Steadfast!
it is very rare in a garrison environment assigned to a medical field unit to get clinical time inside a hospital. If you want clinical time, I highly recommend whoever you get assigned, take your NREMT and get state certified. Then you can either find a volunteer fire department or maybe an ambulance company to work part time for. Some hospitals will hire EMTs as well. I worked part time during school school in an ER off of my EMT cert.
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