I am currently an infantry officer in the National Guard as a Captain. I will be attending medical school this coming fall semester. Will I be able to keep my rank during medical school if I get coded as a medical student? Am I able to accumulate TIG during medical school to be promotable to O-4 after medical school?
I will be attending a civilian medical school
I will be attending a civilian medical school
Edited 5 y ago
Posted 5 y ago
Responses: 15
If it helps as a guide without citing specific regulation, a dear friend and colleague went to med school as a MAJP and is now a LTC. You will not be demoted for achieving more education. All the best.
MAJ Byron Oyler
Respectfully Sir, if he attends USUHS, he will wear 2LT while in medical school, hence the reason I requested more information.
Are you attending as part of one of the scholarship programs? HPSP, MDSSP? Or are you completing a Guard program? I ask, because then there is the potential to have your commissioned service cut in half. But I would check with your AMEDD recruiter, they will need to submit your Prior Service record and then they will determine your grade.
MAJ Samuel Weber
Great program. I know things have changed because the other services (Airforce and Navy) were not reducing their officers for attending medical school. Again, I’d speak with an AMEDD Officer recruiter to verify. Good luck brother.
Your rank stays the same while you're in medical school, but once you graduate and move into a residency program, things change. If you're HPSP, you'll commission as a captain (O-3) in the Army or Air Force, or lieutenant (O-3) in the Navy. Keep in mind that during your residency, even though you're an officer, you're still in training, which means long hours—75% WORK in hospitals https://www.steriletechprograms.com/statistics/ is common during this phase.
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