Posted on Apr 5, 2019
What happens if I just stop showing up for drill in the military reserves?
Posted 6 y ago
Responses: 13
When you just stop showing up, after the first drill you will receive a certified letter explaining that you were Unauthorized Absent for 4 UTAs, with some boilerplate explanations covering how 9 total UTAs of Unathorized Absence will result in your AWOL discharge, characterized as Other Than Honorable, listing the benefits that you will not be eligible for, as well as instructions on how to contact your unit to clear this up and possibly even convince the Commander to change that Unauthorized Absence to Authorized.
The process will repeat for the next two drills after that.
When you have not responded to the third letter, you will receive a different one, this one is the Notice of Intent to Separate.
If you also ignore that, you will be put out with an OTH, ineligible for benefits or re-enlistment in any component.
If you did not clear supply and CIF, your tax returns will be garnished for the cash value of the gear you did not turn in.
It will be impossible to qualify for a federal job, and difficult to qualify for most state, county and city jobs.
And just about any person who has not also gone AWOL from the military will think you have serious lack of commitment and accountability issues based on the fact that you could not keep up your end of the contract for just showing up one weekend a month.
Other than that...
The process will repeat for the next two drills after that.
When you have not responded to the third letter, you will receive a different one, this one is the Notice of Intent to Separate.
If you also ignore that, you will be put out with an OTH, ineligible for benefits or re-enlistment in any component.
If you did not clear supply and CIF, your tax returns will be garnished for the cash value of the gear you did not turn in.
It will be impossible to qualify for a federal job, and difficult to qualify for most state, county and city jobs.
And just about any person who has not also gone AWOL from the military will think you have serious lack of commitment and accountability issues based on the fact that you could not keep up your end of the contract for just showing up one weekend a month.
Other than that...
Soon or later, they will drop you from the rolls, process your paperwork for UCMJ- AWOL, and discharge with a General Discharge which will show up on your employment records for the rest of your life. Which means no Federal/State and possibly city/county jobs. Plus a hard time from any HR dept with Veterans in it.
SSG (Join to see)
SFC Boyd is correct if you have received any bonus money etc, they will turn this over to the IRS and recoup their money as well. I have you thought about the IRR.
SGM Bill Frazer
PFC (Join to see) - Depends did you use or they use any Veteran prefence points to secure the job? They could possibly.
If you fail to report to 3 weekend drills they will start to process the paperwork as Other Than Honorable Discharge and No despite what people think that will not effect your civilian employment bc that is not public record. Civilian employers will not as much as they may want have access to that record. It's always been a myth to scare you away from the very idea of just leaving or deserting your duties but much like the myth of the ocean is blue bc soooo many people say it's true.. they have no idea what they're talking about. When the paperwork is put in yes it can take 6 drill weekends to process making a total of 9 drill weekends missed resulting in the discharge I mentioned above and .. well you're out! That simple. People in law enforcement may not like you and veterans may not like you either but who really gives a fuck what they think bc they don't know your situation and are real quick to judge. If you have any questions Call GIRights and they'll explain the entire process to you. [login to see]
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