Posted on Nov 3, 2015
CPT Ahmed Faried
As with any issue in America, politics and ideology often decide which side of said issue we will fall on. Since it's inception the black lives matter has faced its share of opponents and supporters. Most rightwing media, with Fox News at the helm have created the narrative that BLM is a terrorist organization, play select footage to strengthen their case and bring on guest panelists that won't disagree with that narrative and their viewers seem to run with it. Other media, though not as focused on BLM generally treat is as a movement that isn't nefarious in nature. I personally don't buy the Fox News narrative, I wanted to share a video that adroitly captures my thoughts on what this movement is and isn't. If you are unwilling to have your views challenged you might want to steer clear of this topic. Some significant emotional events might follow:
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Edited >1 y ago
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Responses: 19
Sgt Operations Nco
what fueled black lives matter was a mixture of this generations sense of entitlement, and last generations fear of the police and authority. really that is it. the newer generation wants to do whatever they please and that last generation still feels like the world is against them. as a young black male I can say that at no time have I been oppressed except where I held myself back. if I got a bad grade in school it was my grade because I didn't do my homework. conversely I also was not held back from getting awards and other positive citations in school. the entire backing of the black lives matter movement is based on a false narrative that young black Americans are being unfairly held back by the "WHITE MAN" when in truth that rarely happens (I will say that once in a blue moon it would).
Black live matter is just another excuse for people to stay living in a lazy lifestyle with no respect for authority and get away with it. when I go back to my home in L.A. I always see the demographics of the black people who agree with it and don't. Most of the black families where they have a parent with a job and not being supported by welfare will say that black live matter is a joke. while the one with no jobs and living off of welfare say it is a step in the right direction. the only thing is that when asked the ones with no jobs also say it is the governments duty to supply them with a livelihood. (end rant)
SGT Bryon Sergent
SGT Bryon Sergent
>1 y
SSG (Join to see) -CPT Ahmed Faried- I think he has some great points, I also think he has an old photo or just updated his profile, but it is Sergeant now, I believe Gentlemen.
Cpl Software Engineer
Cpl (Join to see)
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Semper Fidelis Sgt (Join to see)!
MSG Dan Castaneda
MSG Dan Castaneda
>1 y
Great response buddy.
CPT Ahmed Faried
CPT Ahmed Faried
>1 y
SGT Bryon Sergent - I think I responded when he was a corporal. Congratulations on the promotion Sgt (Join to see)
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COL Jean (John) F. B.
CPT Ahmed Faried - I believe the BLM movement probably started with good intent but, as with most things today, has been hijacked by extremists. Like it or not, and admit it or not, the group is now looked upon as a disruptive organization and a threat to police officers. This is fueled by the actions of a few and the media spin/coverage given to them.

I think it unfair to accuse FOX News of bias without citing the obvious bias of the other networks to liberal views/agendas/candidates/causes. Let's try to be "Fair and Balanced", shall we... :-)
CPT Ahmed Faried
CPT Ahmed Faried
>1 y
haha. "Fair and Balanced" I see what you did there Sir.
SSgt Forensic Meteorological Consultant
SSgt (Join to see)
>1 y
More fair and balanced than CNN and MS.. NPR, etc
Cpl Software Engineer
Cpl (Join to see)
>1 y
ahmed, you still didn't address COL Jean (John) F. B.'s post. You obfuscated.
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Cpl Jeff N.
It is fair for any group to ask for and receive fair treatment by the police/courts etc. It is not appropriate for that group to call for violence on the police/courts or other citizens that are different colors than them. The BLM group has enough very loud and very racist/violent members in it to give it a bad name and to cause most to recoil from it.

Some folks also need to hold up a mirror to themselves and ask if they are part of the problem or the solution. Most of the most vocal are part of the problem. Calling for violence, turning a blind eye to it, celebrating it etc. Is poor citizenship, period. The BLM group has a prototype for how to do this. Martin Luther King Jr. who certainly had many opportunities to become violent and was provoked many, many times never did. MLK knew that his behavior in the face of unfair treatment would cause the change he was looking for.

BLM calling for violence will never gain the moral high ground and will only be viewed by most as a violent (perhaps terrorist) organization bent on causing discontent and not working for real change in a free and open society. When your poster child is Michael Brown, you have started on the wrong foot. That is a simple truth that the unwilling seem unable to grasp.
CPT Ahmed Faried
CPT Ahmed Faried
>1 y
thanks for your response.
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