Posted on Feb 8, 2015
What does it say about a King when he is a Jump Master?
جلالة القائد الأعلى مع رفاق السلاح صباح اليوم (مقفز للمظليين)
جلالة الملك عبدالله الثاني يبدأ يومه بالمشاركة في تمرين عسكري في العمليات الخاصة كمقفز للمظليين (Jump-Master ) His Majesty King Abdullah II starts his day pa...
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Edited 10 y ago
Posted 10 y ago
Responses: 12
To me, MAJ (Join to see), it says he's a bit of a bad-ass. Nothing but respect from me for that. How many other heads of state can say the same? Probably not a single one. Thanks for sharing the video.
MAJ (Join to see)
He leads the one country that has been consistent. I get the feeling the people of Jordan respect him.
Having researched him a bit, I think King A. actually understands what being a Monarch is about.
He is not just a "Representative" Head of State, but the actual Embodiment of the Nation of Jordan. I think he takes it seriously. The citizens aren't subjects to him, but are extensions of him. He cares for them as he cares for himself.
He's a military man because that's how he can serve his People.
As others have said, he's a Leader. Capital L, Leader.
He is not just a "Representative" Head of State, but the actual Embodiment of the Nation of Jordan. I think he takes it seriously. The citizens aren't subjects to him, but are extensions of him. He cares for them as he cares for himself.
He's a military man because that's how he can serve his People.
As others have said, he's a Leader. Capital L, Leader.
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