When you think of a good soldier (or Marine, sailor, airman, etcetera), who do you imagine? What qualities do you take into account in terms of character, strength, drive, and leadership? I know it's broad and I'm sure similar questions have been asked, but I just wanted to get your take on how someone who serves better themselves.
Posted 6 y ago
Responses: 8
An excellent service man or woman always strives to do the best that they can at all times. They know their MOS and military skills needed to excel in this profession. They display drive and leadership skills, and never quit until the mission is accomplished. As mentioned by SFC (Join to see), the most important trait is to display integrity in all actions.
That's a deep question there. I'd say the first rule is to practice INTEGRITY. That will save your ass more than anything else. There's no easy answer to this question really. Find a Senior Soldier (preferably an NCO) to mentor you. I'd also suggest a book called the Three Meter Zone.
A person who treats his/her soldiers well, communicates, and can be counted to accomplish the mission. The unfortunate byproduct of this process abuses the studs and studdetes with more missions assigned to them. Hence, I wanted to share the wealth.
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