Posted on Apr 5, 2021
What do you think your military enlistment proved?
Posted 4 y ago
Responses: 130
So, there I was with a degree in Philosophy and no reasonable skills that I could claim. Before making the decision, I investigated joining the Circus or joining the French Foreign Legion. Since I don't read or speak French, I decided that though they didn't require it, life could become miserable, and I'd have to pay my own to Marsailles. Joining the Circus is fraught simply because I really don't trust but do dislike clowns. So, I enlisted in the Army -- in the second year of the Volunteer Army -- and I got experience pretty much everything I might have experienced in the Legion or the Circus. I also got to extend my adolescence for a reasonable amount of time -- 23 years -- and grow into a leader, an influencer, a coach and a mentor. And, given the choice between hanging around with some sort of profile that would let me dodge most things that I thought were part of being a soldier and a leader, I had developed the standards and ethical strength to retire on the 30th of June; my DOR for SGM would have been the 1st of July. But, as Michelle Shocked sang, "The secret of a long life is knowing when it's time to go.."
SFC Dennis Tremethick
It Proved that I could make it. I told my father that I was joining the army. He said I would never make it through basic training. So I made it through basic training just approve that I could. Since that time I made a 23 year career out of the military. Served many locations doing well he things and I’m proud of the service that I gave my country. In return my country gave me a good career, A pension, And the opportunity to increase my education. So now I have a great civilian career. And I making more than twice as much as I did when I retired.
A1C Medrick "Rick" DeVaney
SMSgt Bob W. - .....
(Hold On, While In Laugh At Myself For A Moment)...
There Are Many Excellent Reasons You Found Nothing About My College, Trade Schools Or Any Other Such Information, Regarding My Education.
I "DROPPED OUT" Of School, Mid-9th Grade & Educated Myself.
Best Damned Decision EVER... Because Our Schools Teach Very Little Of Anything Useful Once We've Completed The 6th Grade.. YUP 6th ...
Just To Help You See What I Was Considering, I Must Ask Your Cooperation:
Upon Completion of The 6th Grade, Which Programs Were You Taking That Contributed To Your Overall USEFUL Education?... P
Perhaps You Studied The Higher Math Programs, All The Way Through To Calculus. .... Have You Ever Actually Found A Use For Them, Especially When It Comes To Being a Benefit For Employment? That's Exactly Where I'm Coming From,... The Years After The 6th Aren't Much More Than "Time Fillers", Used While Waiting For People To Mature.
Please Refer To My Bio... Perhaps It'll Explain The Additional info...
But In Short, I Fully Retired At 56...And There's A List Of Good Reasons
(Hold On, While In Laugh At Myself For A Moment)...
There Are Many Excellent Reasons You Found Nothing About My College, Trade Schools Or Any Other Such Information, Regarding My Education.
I "DROPPED OUT" Of School, Mid-9th Grade & Educated Myself.
Best Damned Decision EVER... Because Our Schools Teach Very Little Of Anything Useful Once We've Completed The 6th Grade.. YUP 6th ...
Just To Help You See What I Was Considering, I Must Ask Your Cooperation:
Upon Completion of The 6th Grade, Which Programs Were You Taking That Contributed To Your Overall USEFUL Education?... P
Perhaps You Studied The Higher Math Programs, All The Way Through To Calculus. .... Have You Ever Actually Found A Use For Them, Especially When It Comes To Being a Benefit For Employment? That's Exactly Where I'm Coming From,... The Years After The 6th Aren't Much More Than "Time Fillers", Used While Waiting For People To Mature.
Please Refer To My Bio... Perhaps It'll Explain The Additional info...
But In Short, I Fully Retired At 56...And There's A List Of Good Reasons
SMSgt Bob W.
Rick, yes, I have used "upper math" formulas weekly [if not more often] to calculate weigh per square foot a mezzanine can hold, the number of automotive accidents the company encountered per 100,000 miles, the exposure limits of mixed chemicals. etc. For me, utilizing CERTAIN math did help me obtain a job, other math was useless. The other subject is English. I needed more than a elementary school education to write reports on work processes and develop doable safety programs to protect our employees. Depending of the type of job you have, in many instances, depends on your education and HOW YOU USE IT! I know a garbage man with a PhD in Philosophy [A waste of time going to school]; an artist with a Master's degree who is working at MacDonald's; and an Uber driver with a Master's degree in Oceanography. College is not for everyone. Trade schools are not for everyone. My son knew what he wanted to be in the sixth grade and achieved it. My daughter is still trying to find out what she wants to do. Presently, she is a Barista. For her, school was not an option.
Nothing other than I have a penchant for living on anger, alcohol, caffeine, and sarcasm.
Capt Christian D. Orr
SFC Melvin Brandenburg Haha, good one! Or to put a kinder, gentler spin on it, "Semper Gumby."
Capt Mark Miller
If your response is reality, you may have PTSD. You need to seek some professional help.
Not so much to prove anything to anyone else but to serve a country that I love.
A1C Medrick "Rick" DeVaney
PO2 Thomas Dyer -
Before I Decided To Go For A Degree In Philosophy,
I'd Have To Think About It.
Before I Decided To Go For A Degree In Philosophy,
I'd Have To Think About It.
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