Posted on Apr 29, 2015
1SG Wg 12 Inspector
What do my fellow soldiers think about this question? I think we should do away with the draft and an all volunteer military. I think it should be mandatory for all males ages 18 and up upon completion of high school. Forget the enlistment bonus, every male would have to serve a minimum of 4 years. For that 4 years they get a 4 years of college paid. Then when they re-enlist give them a bonus for re-enlisting. Our military numbers are down now. I believe this would fix our strength problems and get a lot of young men out of a troubled youth. But we need to go back to old school basic training. What is some of your thoughts and opinions on this.
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Responses: 45
Sgt Aaron Kennedy, MS
1) Why just males?

2) Compelled Service isn't going to bring out the "best" in anyone.

3) Do we actually have strength issues?
CPT Senior Instructor
CPT (Join to see)
10 y
I agree with you. The Military isn't there to fix people. I don't understand how the military is viewed as a solution to our society. People do come out better usually but that is because they want to change and they volunteered.

In the strength area I don't think we have any issues there. We don't need another million in the military.
Sgt Aaron Kennedy, MS
Sgt Aaron Kennedy, MS
10 y
CPT (Join to see) The military can fix anything!!!

I actually liked the model shown in Starship Troopers by R.A.Heinlein. FULL Citizenship granted upon completion of service, but the Protections regardless of status. Those who wanted to enact change had to be willing to sacrifice for it.
CPT Senior Instructor
CPT (Join to see)
10 y
Sgt Aaron Kennedy, MS Keep in mind that he the didn't have a Unites States in it. I do think it model is novel to say the least but it is not capable within our constitution.
Sgt Aaron Kennedy, MS
Sgt Aaron Kennedy, MS
10 y
CPT (Join to see) Oh I know. It's one of his future histories novels. Takes place after the fall of the West, and essentially the rebuilding of the world.

Something of that nature would require a Art 5 Convention.
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TSgt Training Ncoic
Edited 10 y ago
I think it would be a terrible idea for military service to be mandatory. I agree with SFC James S. We would get truly garbage troops if they had no choice. They wouldn't care about the mission, or have any buy in to the whole thing. I think it would make people hate the military even more.
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SSG Roger Ayscue
Without Question and Without Exception EVERYONE should serve some form of public service. Rich, Poor, male, female, EVERYONE.
Everyone needs to learn that there is something more important in this world than they are. Some type of public service, minimum of FOUR years with a year of college at an in-state school for every year completed honorably, and a prohibition of college for NOT completing it. Yes, I said it...If you don't do your service you don't go to college.
Military service to being teacher's aids to working in a nursing home. EVERYONE should serve somehow.
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SPC 42 A Human Resource Nco
I think that is great.
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SSG Edward Tilton
I go the other way, I think anyone who takes and passes the testing and physical and wants to join should be enlisted for 3years Active Duty. I'm not sure about now but when I was a recruiter only 13% of those eligible used it. Of course there were plenty of good Union jobs then. Everyone thinks they will use it but in the interim they marry and have children.
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MCPO Mark Burns
12 years of service for 4 years of training.
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MSG Olanda James
If I remember correctly, this is what I learned about Germany when I was stationed there right out of AIT in 1989. They have/had some sort of mandatory requirement for social service after high school where they either that to enter military service OR work within the social services field. The time requirement was for 2 years. From there, they were cleared to proceed with life as they saw fit.

Numbers wise, it would be a stretch for the military, although hundreds of thousands wouldn't qualify due to medical issues, etc. I think that it would be a great idea because a sense of service needs to be instilled into this generation.
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SP5 Norman McGill
Four years is fine for someone who can qualify for four years of college out in front. otherwise it's waste of time and money. However it would be great if all young men could do six months in the military including boot camp just to give them some discipline and perspective on life in general.
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CN Rickie DeFehr
After serving. Not enough $$ to set in a class room.
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Cpl Lawrence R. Weston
I did a lil more than two and with disability And still working I get by. I think two is enough and during Viet Nam years when I was in it was allowed. National Guard was pretty boggy in those days but after 9/11 they stepped up and pulled more than their fair share I salute my brothers in Nat Grd they are fine Soldiers and Marines. I have to plead ignorance as to weather Navy has a Nat Grd component. I just don't know. I know Air Force does and not sure about Coasties either. They do great work in rescue and drug interdiction. Plus got a couple of distant cousins that retired well out of Coast Guard. But am unaware of reserve component of Navy or Coast Guard.
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