Posted on Apr 29, 2015
1SG Wg 12 Inspector
What do my fellow soldiers think about this question? I think we should do away with the draft and an all volunteer military. I think it should be mandatory for all males ages 18 and up upon completion of high school. Forget the enlistment bonus, every male would have to serve a minimum of 4 years. For that 4 years they get a 4 years of college paid. Then when they re-enlist give them a bonus for re-enlisting. Our military numbers are down now. I believe this would fix our strength problems and get a lot of young men out of a troubled youth. But we need to go back to old school basic training. What is some of your thoughts and opinions on this.
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Responses: 45
SPC Byng Ramone
Edited >1 y ago
yea. Alot of countries do this and it works for them. The problem is with Doctrine. Yea, you will have, after 50 years or so, a pool of half trained/semi-trained people numbering in the high tens of millions. But wars are won, by the US anyways, with MLRS, A10s, 155s, Abrams, Apaches, and other heavy CAS. Not so much by warm bodies/cannon fodder....The Chinese, Russians, Israelis, etc., might do well with such a system but I believe the Army should focus on wargaming the next war. Which, no doubt, will be another counter insurgency somewhere. And counter insurgencies are not won by 19 year old privates. They are won by E6s, E7s, O1s-O3s...
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SSG Squad Leader
I think that is great just don't make it mandatory. also with women in combat arms you can just make me do military service and not women.
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CPT Tom Monahan
Stupid! We have amended the Constitution to prohibit slavery and indentured servitude. We need and want willing warriors. If we feel there is a lack of civic mindedness in the US we must look to improving schools (K-PhD). If we want to create more opportunities for in kind deferred compensation (tuition) consider bringing back and or the CCC, City (4) Year(s), Peace Corps, etc.
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SFC Mark Bailey
HOOAH... it would be only fitting for someone to give of themselves and receive something that others have not "paid for" with blood sweat and tears...
SGT Squad Leader
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8 y
Yep. I agree.
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SSG John Erny
Troops need to take advantage of the On Post education center! CLEP out of those fluff and sunshine courses that keep the Liberal Arts teachers employed. Example, get the humanities text book read the thing and go take the test. Boom 3 credit hours in a week or 10 days instead of a whole semester. Find another low hanging fruit and repeat. Then start taking the English 101 and 102 classes. Get as much of the general requirements done as possible.
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PO1 Shahida Marmol
Old school basic training, I definitely agree with. Making mandatory, no, some people will do things just to get kicked out because they don't want to be here.
SGT Squad Leader
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8 y
LOL. Probably like some have tried already.
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SGT Suraj Dave
Couple things about that.

1) American College is expensive and long. a 4 year BS degree is an American phenomenon, in most other places its 2. We force students to take unnecessary "Gen Eds" for a "Well Rounded Education", but it doubles the amount of how much the degree costs. The cost of tuition is half of the time why its attainable. We would have to change this money hungry education system first, or we would financially just be shooting ourselves in the foot.

2) Aside from 1, the fact that 75% of American Youth is ineligible to serve anyways (Health/Physical/Criminal reasons)
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PO1 Andrew White
I'm all for it...not just Males though, Females also.

Everyone wants "Equality", let's get them ladies out there signing up for Selective Service at 18 too.
SGT Squad Leader
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8 y
Didn't it make its way to congress? I guess it got shot down.
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SSG Gerhard S.
On the surface these schemes all seem reasonable, particularly when posed with a reward in the form of 4 years free education. Unfortunately there's ONE word in that statement that changes everything. That word is "mandatory". Mandatory means one does not have a choice. We have a name for the idea of being forced to work for the benefit of others against one's own will. That word is "slavery".
"Slave - a person who is forced to work for another against his will"

I am against all forms of slavery, including the government kind. Our voluntary service system is working just fine. If our government wants to encourage our populous to join the service, or another governmental service organization, it should do so with incentives, of pay or benefits that lead one to a rational choice to serve.

Militarily speaking, I would argue that if the cause is just, we have never had a shortage of volunteers, conversely, if the government can't make the case to enough volunteers for a given action, it may very well be that we shouldn't be engaging in that particular action.

My opinion, respectfully submitted.
SFC Jim Ruether
SFC Jim Ruether
10 y
Back in the day you had to give 6yrs for a 4 yr education. Nothing wrong with a 4 for 4 deal in my book. This is as much an incentive as an enlisted bonus is. It's voluntary on the part of the government to give any incentives. Mandatory 4 yrs of service might just straighten out this country of our as more Americans would know something about service to others through service in the military and quit thinking so much about themselves and start thinking about the bigger picture here. Military Service and the management skills they teach would be invaluable in the work place today. Communication skills as well can be immediately transferrable in the work place. So yes I think a mandatory 4 yrs in the military would reduce prison overcrowding because many of these trouble makers would have been straightened out in the military. Many would be contributing members to society and realize the importance of a strong military that is made up of all members of our society.
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1SG Wg 12 Inspector
Some really good points have been brought up within this discussion. I agree that all in all it may not be the best answer but from reading the posts on here, I am sure with the thought process of many we could find the solution. Thanks for all your thoughts and comments.
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