Posted on Jun 24, 2016
What do you think of Hawaii requiring gun owners to be recorded into a federal database?
Responses: 16
Not in favor of this. When you purchase a firearm you must fill out a ATFE Form 4473. That is a Federal data base and should be enough.
I do not understand all the hoopla regarding the right to bare arms. Nothing says you have the right not to register.
I think the goobener is full of crap. I think my next vacation won't be to Hawaii
SSgt Jerry DeLaney
Your link doesn't lead to anywhere. Here is a better link.
So I ask gun control advocates, what exactly does this do to stop mad men or women from perpetrating heinous crimes upon innocent individuals. And what crimes are in the bill that will automatically notify police if an island resident is arrested anywhere else in the country. What happened to due process? An arrest does not constitute a conviction. Sounds like an invasion of civil liberties and I'm sure there will be many appeals. Could end up costing the tax payers of Hawaii a bundle in legal fees.
Your link doesn't lead to anywhere. Here is a better link.
So I ask gun control advocates, what exactly does this do to stop mad men or women from perpetrating heinous crimes upon innocent individuals. And what crimes are in the bill that will automatically notify police if an island resident is arrested anywhere else in the country. What happened to due process? An arrest does not constitute a conviction. Sounds like an invasion of civil liberties and I'm sure there will be many appeals. Could end up costing the tax payers of Hawaii a bundle in legal fees.
Hawaii becomes first state to put gun owners in federal database | Fox News
Hawaii signed a bill Thursday to become the first state to enter gun owners into an FBI database that will automatically notify police if an island resident is arrested anywhere else in the country.
SSgt Jerry DeLaney
That's odd. You are the second person to say the link has a problem but, I can pull up the link on my LG android phone and from my laptop.
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