Posted on Oct 5, 2015
What do you think? Connecticut Dunkin’ Donuts worker refuses to serve police officer.
'We Don't Serve Cops Here,"' West Hartford Dunkin' Donuts Employee Tells Officer
A West Hartford police officer was waiting at the back of the line in the Dunkin' Donuts at 1234 Farmington Ave. to buy a cup of coffee on Saturday morning when one of the employees said loudly in a room full of customers, "He didn't get the message. We don't serve cops here," police said. Now I ask you all here on RP, what is wrong with this picture? What is happening to our morals and doesn't anyone have any more scruples? This is unacceptable and the asshole who told that Police Officer should be terminated! Just imagine if you would, if that store clerk were to be held up by a gunman, who the hell is he going to call? Ghost busters? I don't think so. I means WTF is going on?
A West Hartford police officer was waiting at the back of the line in the Dunkin' Donuts at 1234 Farmington Ave. to buy a cup of coffee on Saturday morning when one of the employees said loudly in a room full of customers, "He didn't get the message. We don't serve cops here," police said. Now I ask you all here on RP, what is wrong with this picture? What is happening to our morals and doesn't anyone have any more scruples? This is unacceptable and the asshole who told that Police Officer should be terminated! Just imagine if you would, if that store clerk were to be held up by a gunman, who the hell is he going to call? Ghost busters? I don't think so. I means WTF is going on?
Posted >1 y ago
Responses: 35
What?!?!? LOL...Cops favorite place. lol Just kidding. Why does this seem to be happening more and more? What is in the mind of these people that causes them to act this way?
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Because the people that are doing it are getting a free pass from the white house. Silence is consent and this is the environment they have been striving for.
Anyone want to bet that Dunkin' Donuts--and every other one owned by that particular franchisee--just went to the absolute bottom of the priority list on police response?
Wasn't there another story like this where it was a female cop and the business did a lot of back-peddling saying it was a joke gone bad? Cops can't survive without Dunkin'! I buy them for our guys all the time here. No safer place to be than a donut store at 3am. I just found this for you. Very disgusted. Cops don't get paid enough for all the crap they have to deal with.

Dunkin' Donuts employee tells police officer 'we don't serve cops'
Police said a West Hartford officer was in line at the outlet waiting to buy a cup of coffee when the incident took place. An employee said: 'He didn't get the message. We don't serve cops here.'
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