Posted on Oct 9, 2015
LTC Stephen F.
“Training thousands of infantry was not the right model, I think that’s become pretty clear,” said another senior administration official, who spoke on condition of anonymity to discuss internal planning.
The official said the training was “to be suspended, with the option to restart if conditions dictate, opportunities arise.” The official also said that support to Sunni Arab fighters in eastern Syria was an example of focusing on groups already fighting the Islamic State, also known as ISIS or ISIL, “rather than using training to try to manufacture new brigades.”
The shift in strategy comes as critics in Congress have increasingly demanded that the administration make changes or face the elimination of the program altogether.
Update. I changed the hyperlink to the DoD News Release from October 9.
Edited >1 y ago
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Responses: 31
CPT Jack Durish
What do I think? I try not to. Nothing is as frustrating as having an opinion that no one cares about.
How would I form a rational opinion? Our fearless leaders in Washington choose to treat citizens such as me like mushrooms. They keep us in the dark and feed us shit. And the news media are the audio/visual department of the political parties.
Should I go on? Okay. Sorry, I just have more questions...
Why is the establishment of democracy the avowed goal of US foreign policy?
Why didn't we support those who actually might have brought and kept stability in the region before they were annihilated?
Tired yet?
I am...
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SFC Mark Merino
It's a cost saving decision. When POTUS brings 200,000 stateside, we can train them here while they wait for free medical/dental/welfare/housing and complimentary preselected ballot.
LTC Stephen F.
LTC Stephen F.
>1 y
Ah yes as Maxwell Smart used to say the old bait and switch gambit. Short-term cost savings which is the boon for a career politician and the bane of the taxpayers SFC Mark Merino.
SFC Mark Merino
SFC Mark Merino
>1 y
"Missed him by....that much."
SGM G3 Sergeant Major
SGM (Join to see)
>1 y
SFC Mark Merino, I believe it was a smart move as most of the weapons we provided ended up in the wrong hands or those that we armed decided it was not in there best interest to oppose Asad.
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SMSgt Sheila Berg
A waste of funds that could have been used for our own troops.
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SPC Byron Skinner
Sp 4 Byron Skinner
The answer to your question is rather simple. We need to get pout of the Arab World
. Russia right now is talking a huge hit, over 1,000 KIA's week in week, over 50 T-72 taken out by TOES, estimate Russia will need 150,000 troops to do the job, country heading for bankruptcy. Let the crash and burn. What we have here is the Arab Spring doing what it has to do get rid of legacy corrupt Islamic governments, its an Arab vs. Arab conflict, there is not place for the US, We have no irreplaceable interests in the Arab World. Come back when they sort it out.
COL Ted Mc
COL Ted Mc
>1 y
SPC Byron Skinner - Spec; Considering that there were only 2,000 Russian troops in Syria only ten days ago, that would mean that ISIS has killed around 1,400 (70%) and probably closer to 100% once you add in the wounded) of them - that's a whole lot of casualties.

Considering that there were only about a half a dozen Russian tanks in Syria a kill rate of 833.3% is REALLY impressive.
SPC Byron Skinner
SPC Byron Skinner
>1 y
Sp4 Byron Skinner.
Good Questions Colonel Ted. Mc. The initial number of troops sent to Syria from Russia included at least the two Motorized Infantry Battalions fromThe Baltic from the 810th. Naval Infantry Brigade. These troops went to Tatrus. The second deployment was from the 366th. Naval Infantry Brigade out of the Crimea they went to Hemayneen AB That was two Battalions. The Russian and the Syrians went to the field and as you say the Russians had only borough in about a dozen T-72's, the Syrians have over 1,600 T-72 (re. Assad the T-72 best tank ever made) in addition to 2,000 T-55 and 1,000 T-62 Tanks. This past week replacements have been sent to Syria fro the Caspain Sea 600th. Special Moscow Naval Infantry Brigade. additionally two airborne battalions and two Spetesnz Unit (size unknown) have been sent to Syria.-If you like Colonel I can provide Battalion Numbers. The casualties numbers are based on the number of troops brought in after ground action started, I have assumed that no escalation has happened yet. The Russians are currently not in the field at Aleppo.
COL Ted Mc
COL Ted Mc
>1 y
SPC Byron Skinner - Spec; Thank you. Your initial post seemed to imply that it was ONLY Russian tanks being potted. Thank you for providing the basis for your estimate of Russian casualties - I think that totally ignoring the possibility that the Russians just might be increasing the size of their deployment is unwise.

The commitment of Naval Infantry (read as "Marines") and Spetsnaz is an indication that the Russians are taking things seriously. If what has been committed are actually Spetsnaz GRU, then ISIS is likely to be looking at serious damage.
SPC Byron Skinner
SPC Byron Skinner
>1 y
Sp4 Byron Skinner
Good Afternoon Col. Ted. I agree I left some confusion and for that I apologize. I have problems with any official numbers. The 2,000 that you mentioned I recall came into the port of Tartus, those troops were deployed to Assad Airport if I recall. The force that hit Aleppo and the other town to the north was launch from Hemayneen AB, which only received about 80 troops one of the first three AN 124's. The Syrians after four years of war are on the bottom of their pool of soldiers. The current fighting which is suppose to be all Syrian is most likely untrue. On Friday on a Russian site there was an image of a long column of Russian Troops, Infantry riding on the tops of BTM's and Btr 82A's and flying the Russian tri color flag. The size of the formation could easily have been a Russian Battalion which has only two Rifle Companies vs. the US's three. Again Sierra Alpha Tango about the confusion.
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Sgt Jerry Genesio
We were trained to defend our country and constitution in just 12 weeks and we were ready for combat. I believe it's 13 weeks now, but during WW II it was 8 to 9 weeks. I don't understand how we can spend millions of dollars training Afghan, Iraqi and Syrian men and after years they're still not ready for combat. I don't understand why so many of the refugees are Afghan, Iraqi and Syrian men fleeing from their country rather than fighting to defend it. If they had the will to fight for their country, they'd be ready and anxious to get on with it after three months, max. If they don't have the will, no amount of training will give it to them. We should be spending it on our troops for higher pay and better equipment. Instead, we give it to corrupt foreign politicians and military officers and waste it on those who motivated only by money.
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CWO3 Warren Gaudreau
After the last few years, I would expect nothing less from the Evil Office than a waste like this !
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Lt Col Stephen Petzold
It is a multi sided civil war which started with the people just fighting against Assad. Now you have ISIS and all these other groups fighting each other and Assad. So we gather some Syrians together and say we will train them and provide them with weapons, but they are only allowed to fight ISIS, not Assad or anyone else. Then we seem surprised when they take their training and weapons and run as soon as they get back in Syria.

We are in a ideological war against the radical Islam ideology. Can we win against an ideology? Yes, but it probably takes a total war, like we have not had since WWII. Bombed, killed, destroyed to the point of total unconditional surrender. Two problems with that. This ideology is not confined neatly to specific countries. And the western world does not have the stomach for total war anymore.

So not sure how best to fight the ideology, but the current strategy seems like "whack a mole" and the other side is not running out of moles.

Many have probably seen this video on Brigitte Gabriel's informative response on moderates, but the Muslim student at the beginning did ask a good question that goes to the heart of this.
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CW3 Eric W. S.
Are we sure this needs to be cancelled so soon, it worked so well in the past... Take Nicaragua, Iraq, Chechnya, Bosnia, Kosovo, Nigeria, Egypt...
LTC Stephen F.
LTC Stephen F.
>1 y
Don't forget India, Pakistan and much of sub-Saharan Africa at one time or another CW3 Eric W. S. :-)
CW3 Eric W. S.
CW3 Eric W. S.
>1 y
LTC Stephen F. - I was actually trying to leave a few out there for someone else. Honestly, I could have gone on for quite a ways on that list...
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LCDR Deputy Department Head
Well it wasn't particularly working so there's that...

Additionally, continuing to arm them against the now Russian backed Assad regime was probably going to result in some crossfire between Russia and the US if only by proxy.

We will have to see where things go from here.
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SSG James Arlington
I don't know what the answer to this mess us, but we cannot fight civil wars for others who won't fight for themselves. Russia might just find out how difficult it is. Let them waste their money and lives.
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