Posted on Oct 10, 2017
SSG Section Ncoic
The “pinks and greens” would be an alternative to the blue Army Service Uniform for official events, similar to the Marine Corps‘ green service uniform.
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Responses: 58
SFC Steve Renner
Looks sharp...liking the retro look
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Cpl John Barker
I'd say you're trying to look like someone...
Capt Gregory Prickett
Capt Gregory Prickett
7 y
Cpl John Barker - nice thought, except backwards. the Army pinks and greens were around as the service dress uniforms for officers in the 1920s. Soldiers wore a similar jacket, but with the OD green trousers, the same shade as the jacket. They are not trying to look like Marines. On the contrary, the current USMC service dress uniformed was modeled after the Army service dress uniform for enlisted men. The WWI uniform for both the Army and the Marines had the high collar, but in the 1920s the Army dropped the collar as impractical. About 10 years later, the Marines followed, even to the point of the cloth belt.
SMSgt Lawrence McCarter
SMSgt Lawrence McCarter
>1 y
I will say though that Maine corps uniform does look proper and is not overdecorated which is something that never impressed Me much. When uniforms have so many much sewn and hung on them it ends up looking like and overdecorated Christmas tree, that' going to far in My opinion. What Cpl Barker did say about the Army uniform is true however and a good idea is a good idea and if it already worked don't change it unless there is a good valid reason to do so. Rank Insignia, service ribbons, name tag, a few other individual devices and service has marks should be all that is needed. I also don't have a problem with Army unit patches on just below the shoulder seam on ASUs, Army service uniforms. Current unit on left, past on right. The pride in those units isn't a problem in fact I'm sure helps moral esp those units with proud Histories.
SFC Thomas Howes
SFC Thomas Howes
6 y
SMSgt Lawrence McCarter - I don't know SMSgt every Marine I talked to wish they had some of the items we have in the Army like the CIB, Blue Inf Cord, Cross rifles to show they are Inf.
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1SG Platoon Forward Observer
All the uniform changes we have gone through in the past 10 years has me counting the days until i retire. I got it, traditions, values, etc. We will shortly be setting ourselves up to change ourselves into poverty just to keep up with the uniform changes. If we change the uniform... again, we will inevitably change when someone comes up with another opinion. Leave it alone. OR make it an additional uniform that is OPTIONAL... which means it will then become mandatory.
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CPO Jim Bodenrader
Isn’t the military crying poverty? We are stewards of the tax payers money.
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SSG Information Technology Specialist
I think they look good however I'm not interested in them at this time. They don't improve our war fighting capability and we've recently changed dress uniforms.
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MSG Stay At Home Dad
Look Soldiers, here’s the deal.

The current Army Service Uniform was created for two reasons:

1. To honor the past. The Uniform recreates the U.S. Army Civil War cavalry uniform. The pants were worn all the time. The coat was often rolled up and put behind the saddle, so it saw less fading than the pants. Thus the lighter pants. This is a fantastic homage to our fighting past.
2. The company that won the contract to make the new ASU was both the lowest bidder AND gave the best kickbacks to the people who decided which uniform to choose.

You can guess, I’m sure, which of these was the more important factor.

This is par for the course as far as the way the Army does business these days. The digital camouflage is a perfect example of this. It has been widely reported that numerous kickbacks were given out for that pattern to be chosen, even though it was dead last in the numerous trials it and half a dozen other uniform patterns were put through.

So, would the “pinks and greens” be a better choice as far as the “Class A” uniform is concerned? Yes.

Will the “pinks and greens” be chosen as the primary “Class A” uniform for the Army? Not until the company that wants to make them offers a payout to the people in charge big enough to beat out all of the other contenders.

Until then all you can hope for is that a company throws around enough money that Acquisitions Command decides to add an “alternative” uniform so that both the company making said uniform AND the people making policy can cash in on that decision.

Notice, not a single thought was wasted on the cost to the Servicemember. Because those in the decision-making positions don’t give a flying green shot about the Servicemember, as long as they are getting theirs.
SFC Thomas Howes
SFC Thomas Howes
6 y
True for the Cav but those in the Inf had a Blue strip down the leg not gold
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1SG Marc Jensen
No - the NCOs above are actually wearing the Officer version. If we really want to bring back a historical uniform, could we at least have people wear the correct version.
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SFC Motor Transport Operator
nice but I think its a waste of funds, lets put the money towards oh idk, educational system.
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MSG Unit Supply Specialist
Edited >1 y ago
It looks spectacular. Until the interdiction of the Army Service Uniform (ASU), for the last 60 plus years, we had both a Duty Service Uniform and a Formal Dress Blue Uniform. Hopefully the reintroduction of the Iconic Pinks and Greens as our Duty Service Uniform will not eliminate the ASU, instead it should just convert back to it's proper place as our Formal Dress Blue Uniform.
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CSM Eric Biggs
There have been way to many uniform changes in my opinion. Can you say "Fraud Waste and Abuse"? Here is a though for the DA or maybe even the DOD, lets take 10 minutes think about what we might want to do, look at all angles of it and then make a decision. Oh and wait for it; when the next person in-charge comes in lets not let him change it because he/she didn't like "Bob" or whoever the predecessor was. If it aint broke don't fix it!
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