Posted on Dec 2, 2013
Col Regional Director, Whem/Ssa And Congressional Liaison
<p>At one point or another we've all thought about it...&nbsp; something about our sister services that&nbsp;we just can't seem to "wrap our minds around."&nbsp;So, what's that one thing that just seems to&nbsp;defy reason--from your perspective--and makes you wonder... "why do they do it that way?"&nbsp;The intent&nbsp;is to provide a fun, interesting, and thought provoking way to promote inter-service discussion. There's only one very simple rule&nbsp;here.. remember to display respect&nbsp;for&nbsp;all&nbsp;members from all services, of all ranks, and in all statuses.&nbsp;This should be a lively and thoroughly&nbsp;interesting discussion, and we'll all&nbsp;learn a thing or two about&nbsp;our sister services and each other&nbsp;in the process; now,&nbsp;pull up a&nbsp;keyboard, and let's get this thing started; thank you for all that you do, and... see you all in the discussion threads!&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</p>
Posted in these groups: Images Military Career
Edited >1 y ago
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Responses: 78
Capt Andre Toman
I was doing flight training at Corpus Christi NAS and always got a kick out of my Navy friends who would go get some "geedunk."
PO1 William "Chip" Nagel
PO1 William "Chip" Nagel
>1 y
Gedunk, Sugar Fix. What do you think powers the Navy?
Col Regional Director, Whem/Ssa And Congressional Liaison
Col (Join to see)
>1 y
1SG David Niles
1SG David Niles
>1 y
Navy rank/rate and uniforms. drives me nuts. They have more uniforms than anyone. 
CPO Operations Specialist
CPO (Join to see)
9 y
don't feel bad about it, it drives us nuts keeping up with all of them.
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SFC Motor Transport Operator
When I was in Afghanistan on my first tour in 2006, the Air Force personnel I worked with were wearing : 1) ACU's and 2) DCU's with Marine style Head gear. What was up with that?
Col Regional Director, Whem/Ssa And Congressional Liaison
Col (Join to see)
11 y
My understanding is that this was due to overstock, and was authorized for CENTAF (now AFCENT) personnel in theater only (for example AF embassy personnel were not authorized as they did not belong to CENTAF). There is probably much more to the story, does anyone have any more info on this?
Col Regional Director, Whem/Ssa And Congressional Liaison
Col (Join to see)
11 y
Yes, there is that... we can't discount this theory! lol
Maj Walter Kilar
Maj Walter Kilar
>1 y
Before the Air Force adopted the ABU in 2007-2008, the variation in uniforms was due to stock levels. Different units get more funding for uniforms and can use different sources of supply. Soon after the adoption of the ABU, the Air Force would deploy with a wide mix of DCUs, ABUs, and even ACUs. Fast forward a few more years and the Air Force only deployed in ABUs unless they were supporting Army--in that case they could wear ACUs. Nowadays, the Air Force deploys in a mix of ABUs, ACUs, and Multi-cams.
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SSG V. Michelle Woods
Ok here I go...why do Navy juniors stand at "parade rest" for seniors with their arms in front of their bodies rather than behind their backs like the Army? Nothing wrong with it, just always wondered why they do that lol. 
SSG V. Michelle Woods
SSG V. Michelle Woods
11 y

I'm not sure why they did it like that. Maybe they didn't know any better because they were fresh out of boot camp or possibly they just stood like that because they didn't know what else to do with their hands lol. I will say they were always respectful though.


SGT Jerokiah Darr
SGT Jerokiah Darr
>1 y
Even AT EASE in the Army is arms behind the back. They must have been at REST.
PO1 Rudy Lopez
PO1 Rudy Lopez
>1 y
Agree with CPO Muhammad, when you are "AT EASE" moderate talking is permitted.  Sometimes even this is a little more relaxed when you are on an academic or disciplinary review board.

When I was a Navy instructor at an Army school we would have several students present themselves before the board. When the commander put them at ease you would see the Army Students with their arms behind their back like they were still in "parade rest" mode and the Navy students would bring their hands in front of them.  It looked odd and I don't know how many times I had to explain "at ease" to my Army counter parts our policies.

Now, some may ask why did we not keep them at the position of "attention." In my opinion when you have someone at "attention" more often than not you're at an NJB or getting verbally counseled (unless in normal formation), which keeps one's guard up.  While "at ease" and a student is trying to plead their case to the 8-12 member board consisting of the company commander and E-6's - E-9's on why they should stay in the year long course, it is best to give them the best opportunity to present themselves. They're already nervous enough. Before someone says well if they can't handle the board what makes them think they can handle the job, all I can say is not everyone is makes it through unscathed and those who get the fear of the board beaten into them seem to excel just as well as those who never had to go to the board.
TSgt Aerospace Propulsion Craftsman
TSgt (Join to see)
9 y
Meta-confusion here, I've been confused about other communities being confused by this. When I moved to the Seabees they were also quick to point out that this was not how we stand at Parade Rest... but I _never_had_ stood that way in the fleet either. It is an option for At Ease, but not something I did or saw Sailors hardly ever do.
Maybe it's from some particular time period? I was active Navy 98-2003 and I had heard they were incorrectly training recruits in boot camp to call everyone 'sir' immediately after I went through, so...
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SGT Bryon Sergent
Edited >1 y ago

Naval rank period is confusing. I was taught in basic as an Infantryman that if there was Gold on the seleve salute.


And airforce enlisted rank. can't get it either!


PO1 William "Chip" Nagel
PO1 William "Chip" Nagel
>1 y
Don't worry you don't have to salute my Gold Hash Marks, They mean I am just real sneaky, 12 continuous years of Good Conduct.
PO1 Machinery Technician
PO1 (Join to see)
>1 y
Haha the funny thing is I feel the same way about all y'all's ranks. They confuse the hell out of me.
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PO2 Lead Communications Specialist
As a Sailor, when I was stationed on an Army post. I could never understand why the soldiers would have formation at 0245 for a PT event that wouldn't start until 0700. Also, why the Air Force had to have "safety belts" at all times. 
MSgt Tricare Oerations And Patient Administration Flight Chief
MSgt (Join to see)
>1 y
Look up "Action Figure Therapy" on YouTube.
CPO Operations Specialist
CPO (Join to see)
9 y
Ever shoot a machine gun on peyote?
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SSG Healthcare Specialist (Combat Medic)
Why did the Navy choose "In the Navy" by the Village People as their theme song in the 70s? The video was actually made on a Navy Ship. Seems a little left handed to me.
PO1 William "Chip" Nagel
PO1 William "Chip" Nagel
>1 y
Come on Sgt it's all about our Cool Uniform.
CMDCM Gene Treants
CMDCM Gene Treants
10 y
SSG (Join to see) You have to admit this is a great catchy tune and lots of fun to listen to and move to if you are in a Disco Mood. The whole country was doing disco in 1978 and this song was a great subconscious recruiting tool. (Ok, maybe it was flagrant.) I can remember pulling into many ports and hearing this in lots of clubs, of course the first word was often changed.
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GySgt (Other / Not listed)
Camouflage couch
I don't get the camoflauge uniforms of the other branches of services!  The tiger stripe ones can fall along with the Army's picture.   
CMDCM Gene Treants
CMDCM Gene Treants
11 y
Navy adopted their Camouflage uniform after I retired.  For the longest time I could not figure out why Navy needed a Cammie Uniform, other than Cammie envy.  Finally my wife, being a very good Command Master Chief Wife, came up with the answer: "In case a Sailor falls overboard, this Uniform protects the Sailor from Shark Attack."  Best answer I have heard for Navy cammies!
Col Regional Director, Whem/Ssa And Congressional Liaison
Col (Join to see)
>1 y
Yes, very well suited&nbsp;for deck and couch-borne ops, great find SSgt Fair... most excellent!&nbsp;...and very true Master Chief, I think there was definitely a heavy dose of "Cammie envy" going on there several years back! hahaha
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MAJ Senior Signal Oc
I spent 15 months with the Marines (1st MEF) in Iraq and about 6 months in Afghanistan (Marjah). I was more surprised but how much we had in common. Made the mistake of calling a SSG or Gunny just Sergeant and heard about the difference. I would gladly serve with them again although I do prefer west coast over Lejeune Marines any day.
Col Regional Director, Whem/Ssa And Congressional Liaison
Col (Join to see)
11 y
CPT(P) Telesco, thanks for posting, it's very true your note about exact rank for marines. Also, very interesting observation, what were some of the East coast/West coast differences that you noticed from your perspective?   
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SSG Laureano Pabon

What I could not understand in my time, was why the Army carried BA 30 batteries and the Air Force had D size Energizers.

Also Why did the Air Force mess hall looked so far better then the Army's and Why did the Navy served great food.

If any one seen an Air Force billets its like the taj mahal, holiday inns cant beat it.

CMDCM Gene Treants
CMDCM Gene Treants
11 y
Air Force has a strange way of building bases that Navy and Army could learn a lot from.  First they build all of the support services buildings,  Barracks, Chow Halls, Quarters (Officer and Enlisted), Bex & Commissary, etc. By this time they usually run out of money and have to ask for more funding.  Of course they get the funding, what good is a fully functioning AFB with mainteance facilities and, oh yes, runways.  
Navy, no the other had moves in and builds the piers and support buildings.  If there is any money left over it goes to other support functions, like BEQ's, BOQ's, Housing, etc.  I suspect Army does the same and know Marines follow that Navy model

As for chow.  When the cooks eat and sleep with the rest of the crew and the Chiefs eat the same food out of the same galley, you better believe the food is going to be great.  An army is supposed to march on it's stomach, but the Navy really does spend big bucks sending our cooks to real world culinary schools.  Other services are catching on, but just now, to this trick navy has done for at least 40 to 50 years.
MAJ Battalion Executive Officer
MAJ (Join to see)
>1 y
Awesome Master Chief! Been a long time since I heard this one. 
MCPO Couch Potato
MCPO (Join to see)
>1 y
Gene, the only one you forgot was the Coast Guard.&nbsp; We get the abandoned facilities after the other services wear them out.<br>
LCDR Ray Trygstad
LCDR Ray Trygstad
>1 y
The other policy in the Navy is that the more the duty sucks, the better the food is. Best food afloat is on submarines, and the best food I ever had in a Navy Mess was at Diego Garcia in the middle of the Indian Ocean, and at the AUTEC Range on Andros Island, the Bahamas. (Yes I know the Bahamas sounds like it wouldn't suck, but trust me, Andros does. There's a reason you never hear about Bahamas vacation packages on Andros Island.)
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SSG Matt Murphy
Lin kou usafss dining hall
Grassm 1
Taiwan feb01 students
..some nights the Link Kou Air Station USAFSS dining hall ran out of steaks (cooked to order) or worse yet, lobster...the very thought....

Some times they made us go to other mountains for recon.....the very nerve...

I even went back in Feb 2001, same hard duty.....
Col Regional Director, Whem/Ssa And Congressional Liaison
Col (Join to see)
11 y
Great photos SSG Murphy! I think we all always enjoy seeing folks "moto" photos... also, for everyone tuned into this thread, please feel free to upload those awesome photos from your careers, all services welcome of course for the inter-service flavor of this thread... also, veterans, coast guard and guard/reserve are particularly encouraged to represent, to help tell your story, and to facilitate inter-service conversation!  Thanks again!!
SSgt James Stanley
SSgt James Stanley
11 y
Security service command patch
Sgt, as a matter of pride, if you were at a USAFSS unit you were with an elite group of Airmen.
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