Posted on Jul 29, 2018
SGT Team Leader
Any reg stating if a Single soilder can or can’t move out of the barracks (knowning they would have to maintain a barracks room) Leadership has told him that he can not move out, but was not gave a reason as to why he couldn’t. Soilder wants to move in with his friend that is married, the friend is in the military and has said he wouldn’t have to pay rent, just to pay for his on groceries.
Posted in these groups: Ar Army RegulationsHeader Housing
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Responses: 16
SFC Retention Operations Nco
He can move off post, he'll just be required to maintain a barracks room and won't be authorized BAH. There's nothing that requires him to sleep in his room or maintain his gear in a barracks.
SGT Team Leader
SGT (Join to see)
>1 y
Is there anything showing or supporting this
SFC Retention Operations Nco
SFC (Join to see)
>1 y
This is where you have to apply some critical thinking. Most of the time the regulations the guidelines for thinking instead of spelling out what you can and cannot do.
Think of it from your privates point of view...
As a private, the Army provides you with a Barracks room that you have to maintain. There is nothing that says you must sleep in that room, only that you must maintain it. You are allowed to sleep anywhere you want on any night of the week. You can store your gear, or your clothing, at your girlfriend's house and effectively live there. As long as you are provided a Barracks room, you can state that you reside there. Residing there does not mean that you have to sleep there every night.
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SGM Bill Frazer
1. What rank. 2. If not drawing BAH, the Command does not have to approve his moving out, even if he would maintain a room. 3. It is not what He wants, but what the Service wants.
MAJ Bryan Zeski
MAJ Bryan Zeski
>1 y
SFC Kelly Fuerhoff - I think what SGT Morgan is saying is that the command cannot tell him that he MUST stay in the barracks and may not reside somewhere else. Sure, he won't get BAH, but if they force him to be in the barracks at any given point in time, that would be restriction.
CPL Any Jim
CPL Any Jim
>1 y
What the service wants ? Yah thats what sgm say ' thay over priced secertary ... That they signature is worthles of no importance ! If a ltc lt and sgm on an island ? Who is in charge by what service wants standards ? Ltc right ? So by service standards who is in charge when commander goes to mainland to buy groceries ' lol ? Lt right .... Go peel them coconuts sgm ! Lmaooo punk
SGM Bill Frazer
SGM Bill Frazer
>1 y
Probably why you are a PVT
1SG Ed Bernas
1SG Ed Bernas
>1 y
A soldiers ability to live on off post depends on his service record not his marital status, if a soldier has a terrible record, ie late to work, missing gear, bad uniform, they can be restricted to post. Maybe more to this story then being presented??
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SGM Bill Frazer
No, freedom of choice went away with his oath of enlistment. I had few PFC's. I would have trusted to be away from the billets
SFC Melvin Brandenburg
SFC Melvin Brandenburg
4 y
I don't think the army culture was properly explained to this guy.
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