Posted on Feb 25, 2016
SGT Vince Albert Dickson
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Why is this even a question? Denomination does not determine who you are as a person
SGT Vince Albert Dickson
SGT Vince Albert Dickson
9 y
SFC J Fullerton
SFC J Fullerton
9 y
Freedom of Religion is not inclusive to any one faith. Discrimination and bigotry over a religion has no place in the Military.
Maj John Bell
Maj John Bell
9 y
The only individual who should question whether or not a troop's faith is compatible with the service is the troop.
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SPC Ethan Reddick
I have several friends in the Army that are devote Muslims. I am Jewish myself. There is NOTHING wrong with someone who is a Muslim or practises the Islamic faith. I have worked with them (just like for myself or anyone in need of a chaplain) to get their BAS. I took one of my Muslim friends to the local Jewish Chaplain and he wrote him a memorandum requesting BAS to be able to purchase halal meals. I had the same thing(courtesy of this Rabbis help) to get kosher food. There is no reason to suspect them unless there is a VALID reason to. Most of the time I have found them to be unfounded assumptions. These soldiers are there to serve just like any other.
SGT Vince Albert Dickson
SGT Vince Albert Dickson
9 y
Well Said Brother!! Good honest views!! Hooah Stand Fast on your Morals
SPC Ethan Reddick
SPC Ethan Reddick
9 y
SGT Vince Albert Dickson -you can also try to contact Chaplain (MAJ) Hulwe. Last time I heard about him, he was still the Muslim chaplain at the Chaplain School. Fantastic chaplain. He assisted me in getting out information for Ramadan and Eid al Fitr to the Fort Drum community.
SGT Vince Albert Dickson
SGT Vince Albert Dickson
9 y
Right on!! Shalom
PO3 Steven Sherrill
PO3 Steven Sherrill
9 y
Take it a step further SPC Ethan Reddick for how many years in Ireland have the Catholic Christians and the Protestant Christians been killing each other?
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TSgt Melissa Post
I may not agree with the religion's beliefs, but they still have the freedom of religion just like the rest of us. It is no different than a Christian practicing, or a Jewish person, or a Buddist (spelling?). I can understand the fear and the source of the fear very well though and it took me awhile to get through that, and I will admit, I still do every once in awhile get cautious around Muslims. I suppose that is just expected after having your country attacked by radicals. It is no different than when the Christian ran the crusades through the Promise Land. To a Christian, the cross is the symbol of Christ's forgiveness of our sins, but to the Jew it holds a complete different meaning. One of murder, rape, pillaging, and torture to be more accurate.

But this is just my opinion.
SGT Vince Albert Dickson
SGT Vince Albert Dickson
9 y
Beautiful Opinion! Well Said
TSgt Melissa Post
TSgt Melissa Post
9 y
SGT Vince Albert Dickson - Thank you. Even if I didn't master the Arabic language at DLI, I at least learned how to not let my ignorance terrify me from a false fear.
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