Posted on Aug 11, 2020
CMSgt James Nolan
The NFL says it is the Corona Virus (cough cough trying not to laugh), and NOT political move.
For me, I am done with it.
If players want to show their support to a cause (any) do it, off the field.
I watched football for entertainment. Don’t give a crud what a wide receiver thinks about politics (just as they likely don’t give a crud about about what a serviceman thinks about politics).
Posted in these groups: Patriotism logo PatriotismB90eef30 NFL
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Responses: 13
SGT David A. 'Cowboy' Groth
I have decided not to watch any of the games, and not buy any of their merchandise.
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SGM Bill Frazer
I stopped watching when the weird kid started taking a knee- if they are so concerned, pump $ out of their banks into program to keep blacks from murdering so many other blacks!
CMSgt James Nolan
CMSgt James Nolan
>1 y
According to Kaepernick it was all about bad police/police brutality. That’s why he was wearing PIG socks.
Now it’s about upheaval.
SSG Aircraft Pneudraulics Repairer
SSG (Join to see)
>1 y
Worry about whites murdering whites.
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Sgt Field Radio Operator
CMSgt James Nolan I agree with you. I am also finished with the NFL.
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What are your thoughts on the NFL decision to NOT play the National Anthem this season?
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Suspended Profile
The NFL and all sports leagues are leaving the entertainment business and going into the political business. That decision will lose them a lot of money. They will regret it, without question.
SGT David A. 'Cowboy' Groth
SGT David A. 'Cowboy' Groth
>1 y
Very true brother.
CPT Staff Officer
I hope it negatively impacts their bottom line in a very significant way.
CMSgt James Nolan
CMSgt James Nolan
>1 y
The bottom line will win it out. It’s really all about the $.
CPT Staff Officer
CPT (Join to see)
>1 y
CMSgt James Nolan I am not saddened stadiums a sitting empty
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MSgt Michael Bischoff
Why is it played anyway? Since when is a game of chance a patriotic event.
CMSgt James Nolan
CMSgt James Nolan
>1 y
Not necessarily arguing that. our country would you not say it’s tradition? Starting at a young age, in the Little League fields and continued on into pros.
Reminds us that we live in a great country.
MSgt Michael Bischoff
MSgt Michael Bischoff
>1 y
CMSgt James Nolan I personally don’t need reminding But to each his own. Like the pledge of allegiance. We said it every day in school but why? What about the weekends did we forget it then?
CMSgt James Nolan
CMSgt James Nolan
>1 y
MSgt Michael Bischoff We said it evertpy day in school to instill that sense of patriotism.
You know like the communist attitudes our teachers are currently instilling in the children today, hence why they don’t talk about the land of the free in schools, rather how terrible our country is and how it must change.
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LCDR Joseph Richter
It shows me that a large organization like the NFL can be swayed by a minority group to abort their rules and customs. I've had it with this type of thought and actions and have walked away from professional sports. They forget that we are the customers, and the more they push us away, the worse it will be. It would be fitting for the NFL to fall to bankruptcy without the patronage it takes to bring in the money that they pay these athletes. Then the real poetic justice, when they can't run the ball for a million dollars, what will they fall back on the put food on the table with their under water basket weaving degrees and poor attitudes. I am not saying boycott professional sports, that is an individuals decision to make, I have made mine. I may have been retired for over 20 years now but my love of America runs deep and I still tear up at the sound of the National Anthem. All the distractions I put to the wayside while I have that moment with my country and the memories of my fellow patriots living and expired. For a handful of assholes to take that moment away from me at a sporting event really upsets me. Rather than hate, I will forget, forget they exist and not contribute any of my money you their disgusting ways. Thanks for the moment, I feel better now. God Bless the USA!
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LTC Kevin B.
In my opinion, this is a passive way to sidestep the whole discussion. Rather than siding with the BLM movement (and allowing the kneeling protests to occur) or siding against the BLM movement (by forbidding or trying to suppress the protests), the NFL just eliminated the opportunity for a protest to occur. Therefore, they are neither for or against the BLM movement.
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SFC Michael Hasbun
Edited >1 y ago
I think it's more odd that they ever played it to begin with. The NFL, NHL, MLB, etc... are entertainment. People playing sports for the amusement of others. Let's leave nationalism and pet causes out of it, and let's get back to adults injuring themselves for our amusement.
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1px xxx
Suspended Profile
I did also just read that the National Anthem is still being played, they are just simply not doing the huge shows with hundreds of people. More than likely a pre recording which will be played before the start of the game.

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