Posted on Sep 10, 2019
What are your thoughts on the new S.T.E.P promotion program?
What are y'alls thought on this? Do you think it's simply a retention tool, or the best way to select the best qualified? Or both? This seems to be a flip flopping type of trend in my opinion.
Posted >1 y ago
Responses: 5
There's nothing new about it. The old promotion system was that you had to attend PME prior to pinning. That requirement was suspended during the surge years to allow the Army to fill all the ranks it was growing. Just like QMP and QSP being suspended as well. These are just a return to normal quality control measures that were lifted to meet the demands of end strength.
This program will be only as effective as quality of leadership schools it depends on. For far too long has NCOPDS or NCOES been a check the block school where students looked at it as a paid vacation. Revamping the POI of NCOPDS with more relevant topics that would prepare NCOs for responsibilites of the next rank/ position would help the STEP program to make more sense.
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