Posted on Jan 28, 2014
What are your thoughts on the new Instructor's Badge?
Keep in mind it will only apply to NCOES SGLs.... Not AIT Instructors
This question I have is definitely biased. I am currently an AIT Instructor..... I personally believe that we deal with more issues than any NCOES just for the simple fact that they are still IET and because they have no sort of support from their unit like WLC, ALC SLC because WE ARE their unit. They are fresh out of basic, young and inexperienced on every aspect of the military. Not even counting SHARP.... Etc
This question I have is definitely biased. I am currently an AIT Instructor..... I personally believe that we deal with more issues than any NCOES just for the simple fact that they are still IET and because they have no sort of support from their unit like WLC, ALC SLC because WE ARE their unit. They are fresh out of basic, young and inexperienced on every aspect of the military. Not even counting SHARP.... Etc
Edited 11 y ago
Posted 11 y ago
Responses: 8
When I heard about the instructor badge I got my hopes up. They were quickly brought back down when I found out it was only for NCOES instructors. I don't want to take anything away from a fellow NCO, and I certainly don't know what being an NCOES instructor is really all about, but I'm currently an AIT instructor and know what that's about. I would love to see AIT instructors get the badge, as well as any Soldier for which the principal duty title is Instructor.

Suspended Profile
I'll let you know when PCS to my TRADOC unit. To be continued...
This is sad. More badges won't improve our Army. If you just have to have some bling, join the USAF and get some MOS related flair. We need more badges like we need a hole in our heads.
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