Posted on Aug 9, 2015
SSG Reuben Randolph
I feel that these injuries do not get the attention they deserve. I have been diagnosed with both, and I find it hard to function properly in public, if it isn't the anxiety, its the fear of not being able to function properly in the event that something did happen. I have found that my coping techniques keep me locked in my house, and I know that this isn't the best way to help myself! Does anyone have any suggestions?
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Responses: 9
Maj Kim Patterson
I have been diagnosed with both also. My anxiety ramps up days before an event. I have used several types of therapy. Equine is amazing if you can find a program nearby. Another thing that produced huge change was dance lessons in very small groups (there were 4 of us, with me as the only TBI) it helped with movement, socialization at a speed I could manage and memory. I will never be a dance champion but I built enough confidence so I could do up to a 4 step combo. This took a few years with a patient teacher. The other dance students became my friends and gave me companions that knew about my injuries, when I struggled for words or to make eye contact or do two things at once. I go to familiar places or places where there will be familiar people. Really, my biggest tool to get out of the house sounds pretty silly. I put eyeliner on 1 eye. The OCD in me forces me to do the other one. I wear very little makeup; what this is: I found one action to start that was very simple. Start simple and build. Miracles don't happen overnight, so be patient with yourself. Your one thing may be opening your blinds or curtains and realizing the sun is shining. I wish you well.
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SSgt Alex Robinson
They are both real and often occur together. All I can say is seek help and know I'm praying for you
SSgt Alex Robinson
SSgt Alex Robinson
>1 y
Ken, prayers you win this battle.
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SCPO Lee Pradia
I find that stress, screaming and crowds are my triggers. I find that fishing, sightseeing, going to the ocean, astrophotography and model railroading are very relaxing for me. You have to find a hobby that is both rewarding and relaxing, something that you can enjoy daily. Hope it helps.
SSG Reuben Randolph
SSG Reuben Randolph
>1 y
Since I confine myself to my house, I have been trying to teach myself how to draw, paint, and play the guitar (acoustic). Its when I HAVE to go out that I need to find my coping mechanism especially if I cannot be with my wife, or my dog.
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