Posted on Apr 13, 2018
What are some tips for BCT in Fort Leonard Wood, Missouri?
I’m worried about leaving for Basic in June, I’d appreciate any tips you all have!
Posted 7 y ago
Responses: 12
Do what you're told, when you're told, how you're told. Help your fellow recruits. No matter how tough it seems, you can endure far more than you think you can.
Not only what SGT Matthew Stein has given you. Also know that it will be hot, humid and may rain quite a bit in those months. There's no getting around it! Deal with it, get accustomed to it as quick as you can.
PV2 (Join to see) Being apprehensive is normal. Listen closely and be observant. Have a good attitude and always give your best effort. As mentioned by SGT Matthew S., help your fellow recruits. Please provide us with an update when you complete training.
Try not to be “THAT GUY.” Meaning, don’t be the one that sticks out from trying be cocky or over-do things. On the other spectrum, don’t do things that you know you shouldn’t like eat the things they tell you not to (i.e. candy, cake, etc). Try your hardest no matter what and don’t be a “blue falcon” which is someone that screws their buddy over. Like the comments say above, keep your nose clean, be respectful and do what you are told. Being at the right place, in the right uniform and on time will get you far quick. Small things keep big things from happening. Good luck troop!
Learn your soldiers Creed Learn the Army Values Warrior etheos.
If you want to to do well. Rank Structure customs and courtesies. Marching facing movements.
Start by doing push-ups and Sit-ups everyday about 100 of each Start Running and getting ready physically.
Listen to what is being told to you by your Drill Sgts write down instructions spend your free time working on soldier tasks.
Be a leader help others and your battle buddy work together on your weakness.
If you have not already learn land nav the basics and how to read a map.
Ask your recuriter for help with any of these topics become proficient.
Most importantly you will fail you will be discouraged you will want to quit. Learn how to boost yourself up remember this is only a short time in your life. Remember you can do hard things repeat it over and over "I can do hard things"
If you want to to do well. Rank Structure customs and courtesies. Marching facing movements.
Start by doing push-ups and Sit-ups everyday about 100 of each Start Running and getting ready physically.
Listen to what is being told to you by your Drill Sgts write down instructions spend your free time working on soldier tasks.
Be a leader help others and your battle buddy work together on your weakness.
If you have not already learn land nav the basics and how to read a map.
Ask your recuriter for help with any of these topics become proficient.
Most importantly you will fail you will be discouraged you will want to quit. Learn how to boost yourself up remember this is only a short time in your life. Remember you can do hard things repeat it over and over "I can do hard things"
Learn to drink a lot of water. Start now and keep up with it until you leave. FLW has it's own heat categories! Get used to sweating, don't become a heat casualty.
Work on your pt to try to get ahead of the curve. Start running 2-3 times a week if you don't already.
Everything you are expected to do in BCT you will be told how to do, shown how to do, and then expected to do.
Wear sunscreen (sunblock) and bug spray.
Learn your marksmanship fundamentals, you'll use them throughout your military career. For aiming at different targets remember "base, base, balls, gut, gut, chest" (50m, 75m, 100m, 150m, 250m, 300m), aim at the base, aim for the balls, aim at the gut, aim for the chest.
Work on your pt to try to get ahead of the curve. Start running 2-3 times a week if you don't already.
Everything you are expected to do in BCT you will be told how to do, shown how to do, and then expected to do.
Wear sunscreen (sunblock) and bug spray.
Learn your marksmanship fundamentals, you'll use them throughout your military career. For aiming at different targets remember "base, base, balls, gut, gut, chest" (50m, 75m, 100m, 150m, 250m, 300m), aim at the base, aim for the balls, aim at the gut, aim for the chest.
Keep pushing no matter what. It’s going to be rough but as long as you keep your eye on the prize you will achieve the ultimate goal. Give your best effort. Be working on your pushups, sit-ups and running. Give it your all and don’t hold anything back. Keep us all updated and have fun.
Go with the flow; remember to keep your ears open and your mouth shut: and eat everything on your plate.
Do what you are told.
Keep your mouth shut.
The loudest ones
Are the first to cry for momma.
Time warps...a day feels like a week.
So, remember, it will end.
Thank you for joining.
Keep your mouth shut.
The loudest ones
Are the first to cry for momma.
Time warps...a day feels like a week.
So, remember, it will end.
Thank you for joining.
Listen to the D I's , take plenty of water with you on road marches, and speak only when spoken to or you ask permission .
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