Posted on Oct 19, 2018
PVT Healthcare Specialist (Combat Medic)
(I'll delete if need be, as this is a touchy subject)

Although real life and video games shouldnt be associated, this exception should be made. A popular combative game called "warthunder" is a decent basis for this topic, since the game places the user to actualy learn the ins and outs of there vehicle in order to succed. This usually incoperates all specs of the vehicle, your maximums and minimums, amount of protection such components can offer, whats notorious for being weak and expected to fail, and whats usually known to be reliable and strong.

The trucks im trying to primarily find out is the m997a3 series ambulance, along with up-armored (pickup) and standard hard body humvees (pickup and station wagon). I also work with uparmored and standard FMTVs and LMTVs, just the cargo variant. Slowly working my way up to the LHS.

Any and all info combat related to these vehicles would be great! Any other vehicles I may come across as a medic for an infantry unit would be great as well.
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Responses: 4
SFC Counterintelligence (CI) Agent
Edited 6 y ago
It's not that it's a touchy subject, its that anyone providing you such information would be inevitably providing vehicular strengths and weaknesses to the open public, that real adversaries can obtain and use against our troops in deployed locations. Most service-members and Veterans aren't going to do that.

While you may have the most innocent of intentions, not everyone on the internet does. I'm sure you'll do just fine with the information that's already openly available on the internet.

As a former long time gamer myself, knowing the real versions will not help you with game simulated versions. Time is better spent learning how the programmers coded the gamer version to work.
PVT Healthcare Specialist (Combat Medic)
PVT (Join to see)
6 y
True true Sgt. I have seen some weaknesses of other vehicles abroad (like a stryker for example) so I was wondering if it wouldve been just common knowledge as well for the trucks listed above, or not. IMs couold possibly be a thing as well!
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CPT Pedro Meza
Sounds like you are training your minds so that you established information neurons in your brain that you can afterwards physically practice so that you develop the motor skills, sort like the Karate Kid Wax on Wax Off.
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SrA John Monette
what kind of game is warthunder? can I get it on my phone or is it computer only?
PVT Healthcare Specialist (Combat Medic)
PVT (Join to see)
6 y
Warthunders for your computer. Nice little tank/ airplane combat sim, although it is botched up at times
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