We put the fun in funeral and somebody's getting a jacked up flag!

This is one of those situations where the NCO tries to protect his/her Soldier using the line "I'm just taking care of my troops".
I have had this discussion many times with my young NCOs that they have no clue on what it means to take care of their Soldiers, even though they throw this term around all the time.
I explain to them that to truly take care of a Soldier, they must ensure that they are in the right place, at the right time, in the right uniform, and performing their duty to the best of their ability. If the Soldiers aren't doing this, it is the NCOs responsibility to make on the spot corrections or counselings as needed. Holding the troops accountable for their own actions is a part of taking care of them. I believe that too many NCOs want to take the blame for everything thinking that shielding the Soldier will make them a better leader.
Being a true leader means that you will do your duty and hold the Soldiers accountable, and re-train them so the unwanted behavior doesn't happen again.
Just my two cents worth.
I think it all comes down to relationship, mentorship, and embracing the concept of mind, body, and spirit. I came in 1984, and I had a strong understanding of the sacred oath that I was taking.
I was constantly corrected on my uniform, reminded that I was an Ambassador for the United States.
I was immersed in military traditions, and as a young E-3, I volunteered and served others. I had strong leaders that modeled respect, selfless service, integrity.
I had shows on TV, like Mash, Hogan's Hero's, and this is not what I just did for college money, or retirement points.