Posted on Apr 22, 2015
SSG Ronald Williams
War toys for the most part have become politically incorrect. A child can no longer bring an action figure with a weapon to school for show and tell without the fear of being suspended. Does this attitude improve the Nations children or does it weaken their ability to see the world as it really is.
Edited >1 y ago
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Responses: 31
MAJ Robert (Bob) Petrarca
I'm still a kid and proudly play with my war toys:
SFC Charles S.
SFC Charles S.
>1 y
MAJ Robert (Bob) Petrarca Awesome video. Great to see this. Feel the same way.
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LTC Stephen C.
SSG Ronald Williams, I didn't think any of the voting options were applicable to my thoughts on the subject. They're just toys and the PC police, as usual, have overreacted. "Much Ado About Nothing" - William Shakespeare
GySgt Wayne A. Ekblad
GySgt Wayne A. Ekblad
GySgt Wayne A. Ekblad
>1 y
I agree LTC Stephen C. --- I didn't vote for the same reason.
SSG Ronald Williams
SSG Ronald Williams
>1 y
I think it varies through the different regions of the US. However if you delve into the problem online, schools seem to be the primary source of discouraging their use. Children being suspended for bringing a 1 inch plastic gun to school, etc.
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SFC Combat Engineer
PC is what is destroying this country as well as one group wanting recognition but bashing those who oppose them. God forbid you don't jump on a bandwagon and join them and their "cause" for you will be ridiculed. I stand firm in what I believe in and if you don't like it, NMFP!!
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MAJ J5 Strategic Plans And Training Officer
Again we are avoiding a problem. The problem is parenting is not what it used to be. One part of society works to the point they don't see their kids (gotta pay taxes). Another part does not work to the point they are not communicating value, because they don't know what that is. The government has over sold it's ability to raise childern. Then the social wealthfare system blames the parents. So after circling logic but miss completely, the system turns blames everyone else. The the system in final step of lunacy turns on itself and says we need more. What has happened to the individual who is developed to be responsible and then rewarded accordingly for being part of the team?

The collective error is thinking about defense equals all violence. People are violent but given discipline that nature can be curved. Ignoring it cause self deception a grand scale. We learn about what is right and wrong as youth. Ignoring the problem of unjust violence by avoiding a toy does address the problem.
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SPC Jan Allbright, M.Sc., R.S.
Again .. a survey that really needed a "HUH" option.

Where is it said that GI Joe or the Green Troopers are politically incorect?
Here is what Huff Post called politically incorrect .. count the number of Trooper Toys.
SSG Ronald Williams
SSG Ronald Williams
>1 y
I never suggested it was some type of recent law, or some type of decision handed down by someone, it is a trend that has been taking shape for years.
SSG Ronald Williams
SSG Ronald Williams
>1 y
Take a look at PO3 (Join to see) Post, that's what I am talking about!
SPC Jan Allbright, M.Sc., R.S.
SPC Jan Allbright, M.Sc., R.S.
>1 y
SSG Ronald Williams
12 years ago? And you mentioned taking "toy guns" to school as being politically incorrect. Toy guns and school .. what could possibly go wrong?
SSG Ronald Williams
SSG Ronald Williams
>1 y
SPC Jan Allbright, M.Sc., R.S. If the school is discouraging guns written on paper 12 years ago , what do you think the attitude is now. Kids are being suspended for 1 inch plastic army men.....
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SFC Mark Merino
This can't even begin to be discussed without MAJ Robert (Bob) Petrarca 's input....
MAJ Robert (Bob) Petrarca
MAJ Robert (Bob) Petrarca
>1 y
I'm right here boys! MSgt Allan Folsom & "Million Mile" SFC Mark Merino How could I stay away from a topic so near and dear to my heart. Real boys play with GI Joes, only posers play with Ken :-)
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MAJ Operations Officer (S3)
I was that kid growing up. My mother's goal for my brother and I was for us to turn out like Niles and Frasier off of the Sitcom "Frasier." I wasn't even allowed to have a toy gun for much of my childhood. We can see how well that worked out.

Violence is part of the human experience. No amount of political correctness or "conflict resolution" is going to change that. The sooner we accept this the sooner we can move on to productive endeavors.
CPT Zachary Brooks
CPT Zachary Brooks
>1 y
Amusing since being politically correct seems to find more situations of increased anger.

I guess everyone being forced to get along isn't so effective after all...
MAJ Robert (Bob) Petrarca
MAJ Robert (Bob) Petrarca
>1 y
CPT Zachary Brooks, "Don't worry, be happy", sing Kumbaya, smoke a "J" and all will be right with the world.
MAJ Operations Officer (S3)
MAJ (Join to see)
>1 y
Advocates of political correctness have the luxury of ignorance. I remember as a kid watching "A Few Good Men" and thinking COL. Jessup was the bad guy and LT. Kaffee was the hero. Knowing and understanding what I do now my opinion has changed dramatically. I would venture to say most of the PC crowd still view LT Kaffee as the hero.
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SSgt Marshall Franklin
I was 7 when I got my 22. I would put on my uncles bdu's and go hunting in our back. He was killed in 69 and grandpa gave me his bag when I was 5. By time I was 15 I had my 30 30, shot a moving target at 100 or more yards dropping it with one shot. Grew up on a ranch, only fun I had was shooting or riding.
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SSG Drill Sergeant
Wp 20131227 010
Good or Not . . . some make excellent targets.
I guess that falls under teaching my son "Self Defense".
Not bad from twenty-five yards.
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SGT Ammunition Specialist
Edited >1 y ago
If it wasn't for my love of all things military as a kid, I would have never joined. I had G.I. Joe's & plastic little Army Men I'd play with all the time. I had toy tanks, toy fighter jets, and toy guns. My friends dad at the time was in the Army, and would let dress up in his old Army gear. We played outside killing bad guys, and made our own bases. Everything to us was a gun. Tree branches were guns, brooms were guns, hockey sticks were guns, PAPER guns. This politically correct crap has to stop! Boys grow up wanting thrill and adventure, danger and action. Lets not take that away from them. Stop castrating us liberal cowards! I would not be surprised if the government tried to ban toy guns, since they know they can't take the real ones away.
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