Posted on Sep 5, 2015
SPC Margaret Higgins
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Responses: 30
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Edited >1 y ago
I actually have no idea how to even access the VA system for care......I called once, after I received my rating, and was told to go to the base.....the base said you're retired and washed their hands of I use TriCare and get seen down town....glad i'm retired so I had something to fall back on other then them. However to be fair I really am uneducated as to what I can be seen for, if anything, there seems to be a large void in information unless you are at the extreme end of the scale....just my two cents.
SPC Margaret Higgins
SPC Margaret Higgins
>1 y
Thank you kindly for Your two cents; MSgt Ronald Stacy. I am really glad that you have Tricare.
I do not understand the thinking of the VA near you; nor of the base near you.
I have Tricare; and I also have Medicare. My entire Emergency Room visits are covered; and my entire ambulance bills are covered.... (Don't worry, I am fine.)
So, Master Sergeant, if you have Medicare AND Tricare, I would think that they would cover your medical bills; at least in part; or completely.
PO2 Frederick Deraney
I do feel I receive good care, but I am in good health and I am seen every six months for preventative care. However, when I retired I had a 40% disability rating. I was dropped to a 30% disability rating because of schedule conflict in which I missed one appointment. Also, I have learnt that medications cost more at the VA to offset those Veterans that receive their VA medications free of charge based on their service-connected disabilities.
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SGT Michael Glenn
I have had VERY few good experiences with the VA and have been to the VA In Wash State, Utah, Virginia and West Virginia. All have placed themselves before me, I have been ignored, Told to shut up, threatened with incarceration, accused of being a drug addict ( never in my life have I done drugs) and even called a child molester. A 30 day prescription of percocet lasts me 4-5 months.I have sat in the ER for 4 hours while having a heart attack and a stroke, 10 urine samples were lost and I carried a UTI that went into a kidney infection for two months to where I was urinating blood and only received meds after I dropped a dime to Senate. I was placed on Gabapentin which has given me diabetes and I recieved the run around trying to get spine surgery and both hips replaced. Some may have good experiences but I have yet to see any.
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PO2 Tyrone Wicks
No, I think I get the least amount of treatment possible yet, was ordered to give the highest level of sacrifice.
SPC Margaret Higgins
SPC Margaret Higgins
>1 y
That just isn't Fair; is it PO2 Tyrone Wicks? Thank you for your service and sacrifices; Tyrone. Is there anything that I could do to help? I don't know where you live...I am on the West Coast.
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MAJ Danny Clark
I have had both experiences. I have received the best care in specialty clinics. But, I find the primary care system to be less than adequate. This has been true in two different facilities, one large and one small.
SPC Margaret Higgins
SPC Margaret Higgins
>1 y
I see; MAJ Danny Clark. It does stand to reason, that the specialty clinics would give you greater care than your primary care system. However, the primary care system should be giving you great care as well.
I would speak to your PAO, or the hospital's director; about getting better care in the primary care system.
MAJ Danny Clark
MAJ Danny Clark
>1 y
The thing that bothers me is this has happened at two different facilities. My experience has been that the quality of the primary care is very inconsistent and very dependent on what doctor you get assigned to. It doesn't speak very well to the quality control and supervision of the primary care clinics.
SPC Margaret Higgins
SPC Margaret Higgins
>1 y
Agreed. MAJ Danny Clark It does not speak well at all to the quality control and supervision of the primary care clinics.
Major, you are very high ranking. If I were you, I would decidedly speak to the powers that be about your concerns.
I have done so; and change did occur.
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SSG Avenger Crew Member
I have had EXCELLENT service at my local VA hospital. I think that what some veterans fail to realize is that the personnel that work at the VA hospital are humans just like all of us. They can make an occasional mistake, or maybe you have to wait just a little longer than you would like for an appointment. I know there are extreme cases that need to be looked at more closely. Overall though, the VA had made tremendous strides to right the wrongs of the past. Hooah!
SSG Avenger Crew Member
SSG (Join to see)
>1 y
SSG Kevin McCulley - That is certainly ridiculous, just know that all VA's aren't like the one you go to. Best of luck!
SSG Kevin McCulley
SSG Kevin McCulley
>1 y
I'm just saying, for someone who has a terrible time with anxiety... The VA is the biggest source of anxiety in my life
SSG Avenger Crew Member
SSG (Join to see)
>1 y
Move on out here to WV. They will treat you like first class!
SSG Kevin McCulley
SSG Kevin McCulley
>1 y
So now veterans have to move across the country to get quality medical care?
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COL Mikel J. Burroughs
SPC Margaret Higgins I use the VA Clinic in Oceanside, CA and the Hospital in San Diego, CA. I've received nothing but great professional and timely serivce to-date. No complaints!
SPC Margaret Higgins
SPC Margaret Higgins
>1 y
That is just simply horrific; SSG Everett Wilson.... SO not okay- in My book.
I would think that you would at least be eligible for TRICARE; the military insurance.
At your 55 percent [service-connected ?] disability level, I would think that you would be eligible for a lot that the VA hospital has to offer- free.
COL Mikel J. Burroughs
COL Mikel J. Burroughs
>1 y
SSG Everett Wilson Are you still having issues with all of this? If so, I would like for you to reach out to Kim Bolen RN CCM ACM. She works for Bolen Veteran Advocacy Network and she has been able to help over 1,323 veterans work thorugh the VA system. I would recommend that you try to connect with her if yo would like her help.
SSG Everett Wilson
SSG Everett Wilson
>1 y
I went and saw my Congresswoman and it was funny how fast they stated that I didn't have to have health insurance and for some odd reason I was deleted from the system. Our VA Hospital is one of those that didn't want to care for the Veterans and a lot of folks went to our Congresswoman and the media covered the story. Right now they are trying to change in being supportive.
COL Mikel J. Burroughs
COL Mikel J. Burroughs
>1 y
SSG Everett Wilson Please reach out to Kimberly if you need additional help, she really knows how to navigate the VA system and has lot's of connections throughout.
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SFC Dr. Joseph Finck, BS, MA, DSS
SPC Margaret Higgins The care I have received has been outstanding. I have been seen at the main VA Hospital in Orlando as well as three of the Community Based Outpatient Clinics (CBOCs) and the care has been better than I expected. the challenge now, if obtaining an appointment. Even with the "Priority 1" status it can be a challenge to see my primary care and in fact, my last appointment another physician saw me. Being a creature of habit and not trusting easily, that threw me off a bit. The care was still great, but the staff needs help so they can provide that great care to us at a faster pace and rate.
SPC Margaret Higgins
SPC Margaret Higgins
>1 y
I am very glad that the care that you Have received, has been outstanding; SFC Dr. Joseph Finck, BS, MA, DSS.
And you are very reasonable, and I am sure justified, in wanting help for the staff.
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There are some things that they are really great at. Audiology comes to mind. Our VA will see any vets, not just those who are service connected for hearing loss. If they need them, they are issued high tech hearing aids...

Our Psychiatrists are pretty top notch too...
SPC Margaret Higgins
SPC Margaret Higgins
>1 y
Sounds wonderful; LCDR Rabbi Jaron Matlow, with regards to the Audiology Department. And great about the psychiatrists; as well.
Many prayers and good luck to you; Rabbi.
-In Him, Margaret
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SPC Margaret Higgins
SPC Margaret Higgins
>1 y
It's an honor and a pleasure; LCDR Rabbi Jaron Matlow. Thank you for being a part of Rally Point.
Sgt Sabrina Williams
Where I'm from in Texas its just the opposite. I was diagnosed with blood clots in 2008. They almost killed me twice. I went to the clinic where I live and I was told I wasn't sick enough to be seen. When my sister took me to Houston, they did their testing and told me that it was nothing they could do. I had to move to San Francisco in order to get help. I shouldn't had to move just to be treated.
SPC Margaret Higgins
SPC Margaret Higgins
>1 y
You were told that you were not sick enough to be SEEN???? That is OUTRAGEOUS; Sgt Sabrina Williams. And you were told that there was nothing they could DO; in Houston???? I find this to be astounding; let alone absolutely UNACCEPTABLE.
And you should NOT have had to move; to get the treatment that you so drastically NEEDED, and DESERVED.
Residing here in San Francisco, I will say that our VA is known to be one of the best in the country. I pray that you have received the best care ever- here. I pray that you are completely all healed up; Sabrina.
-In Him, Margaret
Sgt Sabrina Williams
Sgt Sabrina Williams
>1 y
I totally agree with the health care statement. I'm clotted from the waist down in both legs. Ive had $152,000 at Stanford and that didn't go any good either. I clotted those before I was discharged the next day. The only reason I came back to Texas is to help with my grandkids (2). I just want to find out if there is anyone else out there experienced anything like I have and still is going through the same thing I am. The USMC doesn't want to own it. All I know when I was enlisted I was healthy. When I ETS'd I have a permanent medical condition. I still go back to San Francisco every 3 to 4 months for my appointments. I just don't trust the VA here in Texas.
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