Posted on Jan 31, 2022
If I get a disability rating above a certain percentage, does this make me ineligible to remain in the IRR?
I've been googling around because I was curious if I get a Disability rating above a certain percentage does this make me non-eligible to remain in the IRR? and if so should I notify my IRR Group?
Edited 3 y ago
Posted 3 y ago
Responses: 7
You can go back into the Select Reserve as long as your disability can be waivered or doesn't effect your performance. The only catch to that is that you can't get paid for both for the same day. It won't effect your status in the IRR at all.
CPT Lawrence Cable
A1C Eric Griffin - IRR is individual ready reserve and that is not an active drilling status. Select Reserve is drilling members of the Army Reserve or Army National Guard (or Air Force components also) that are on paid drill status. VA disability and Military disability are not figured the same way, so you can have a VA disability rating and still serve as a Select Reservist. You can not get paid for VA Disability and Drill or Active on the same day. Depending on your rank/TIS and your VA rating, you can pick which you want to keep. There is no real penalty if you do nothing and get paid for both, but you VA check will be short for the first few months of the year to pay back the extra.
this is incorrect info, I was a member of the IRR, received papers to report for active duty and deployment, three days letter a telephone call from DOD asking me what was going on I said nothing that has not been happening with me for the many years with IRR no problems,, a week later I received my Honorable Discharge Papers. this does not agree with your comments about staying in
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