Posted on Jun 18, 2015
UPDATE2: This type of mass murder doesn't happen in other "advanced countries". *At least not at this magnitude*. Is this a true statement?
The shooting of 9 innocent churchgoers in Charleston, South Carolina was a senseless tragedy but leave it up to our President to politicize and discount the ...
President Obama addresses America about the reckless, ignorant shooting at the Charleston Carolina Church. I really am glad he addressed what is going on, and I think in a very positive way...
What happened there at that Church, Ugh I hate it! It's dumb and pathetic. Prayers to those involved! Senseless!! I'm glad they caught the SOB so they can have some justice. Those idiots usually go out the cowardly way!
However, POTUS Obama states that the people who are getting these weapons to do these kinds of acts, well it's too easy. I agree that people that are deemed mentally Ill, yes, it just might be. But SANE people don't do these things.
POTUS: "At some point, we as a country will have to reckon with the fact that this type of mass violence does not happen in other advanced countries. It doesn’t happen in other places with this kind of frequency."
What I can't get over and/or don't know how to perceive this, is that he thinks this type of mass murder doesn't happen anywhere else. Or not in this magnitude...
When I think about what goes on in Israel, Palestine, Iran, Iraq... I am left wondering HUH??? No I don't believe what he said. LOL
Do you agree??
I included my most FAV Democrats so that we might have an adult discussion. :-)
In my opinion, this kiddo gets it.
What happened there at that Church, Ugh I hate it! It's dumb and pathetic. Prayers to those involved! Senseless!! I'm glad they caught the SOB so they can have some justice. Those idiots usually go out the cowardly way!
However, POTUS Obama states that the people who are getting these weapons to do these kinds of acts, well it's too easy. I agree that people that are deemed mentally Ill, yes, it just might be. But SANE people don't do these things.
POTUS: "At some point, we as a country will have to reckon with the fact that this type of mass violence does not happen in other advanced countries. It doesn’t happen in other places with this kind of frequency."
What I can't get over and/or don't know how to perceive this, is that he thinks this type of mass murder doesn't happen anywhere else. Or not in this magnitude...
When I think about what goes on in Israel, Palestine, Iran, Iraq... I am left wondering HUH??? No I don't believe what he said. LOL
Do you agree??
I included my most FAV Democrats so that we might have an adult discussion. :-)
In my opinion, this kiddo gets it.
Edited >1 y ago
Posted >1 y ago
Responses: 102
This happens in every country, it usually happens on even greater scales as well.
Now I am willing to be analytical first, so let's analyze his statement of this doesn't happen in advanced countries.....
Venezuela, South Africa, Mexico, Nigeria, India, and Brazil are all higher murder rates than the U.S and if we go below the U.S for count of murders for countries like Russia and China, their rate is 9.2 and 7.7, much higher than America's 4.7.
Now I am willing to be analytical first, so let's analyze his statement of this doesn't happen in advanced countries.....
Venezuela, South Africa, Mexico, Nigeria, India, and Brazil are all higher murder rates than the U.S and if we go below the U.S for count of murders for countries like Russia and China, their rate is 9.2 and 7.7, much higher than America's 4.7.
SGT (Join to see)
And those countries you listed, well they are fairly Advanced. Brazil! I wanna go there.
This is definitely not a true statement. Case in point The Charlie Hebdo murders. I hate it when people conveniently forget the facts so that they may support some agenda that they have. Gun control is not the answer to our problems as a country.
In my opinion the solution lies in parenting, personal responsibility and accountability. The family unit in the USA has become a relic from the past. We are dysfunctional because of our fast food mentality. We expect everything right now and do not want to work hard or work at all to get the things we want or need. The current trend is that we as a society are getting divorced faster than we are getting married. When children are raised in single parent homes they miss out on a lot of learned behaviors and nurturing that two parent families have. (yes I know not all two parent families are great, just like not all single parent families are horrid)
Another thing that is hurting us is the everyone is a winner BS.. This does not do anyone justice. Teaching children that there is no loser creates people that are unsuited to function in a normal society where there are winners and losers on a daily basis. It teaches the child that they do not have to work to get a trophy and makes the child who did work to earn their trophy question why they worked so hard if everyone gets the same thing! Thirty and Forty years ago when a child was doing bad in school the teacher would call in the parents for a conference to discuss the issue with them. The discussion centered on little Johnny or Jane and what they were doing.. Today that conversation is now centered on the teacher. The child is no longer held accountable for his/her actions. I have witnessed countless incidences where I have seen children at a playground being bullied by another child. I always step in and stop the action. I usually take the offending child/children back to their parents and inform them of their child's actions. The response I usually get is "hey, it's just kids being kids". By not punishing their child for the misdeed they are reinforcing the actions.
So lets hold this sick individual accountable for this heinous act, and anyone that assisted him and make an example out of them. Set a standard and hold everyone to that standard.
In my opinion the solution lies in parenting, personal responsibility and accountability. The family unit in the USA has become a relic from the past. We are dysfunctional because of our fast food mentality. We expect everything right now and do not want to work hard or work at all to get the things we want or need. The current trend is that we as a society are getting divorced faster than we are getting married. When children are raised in single parent homes they miss out on a lot of learned behaviors and nurturing that two parent families have. (yes I know not all two parent families are great, just like not all single parent families are horrid)
Another thing that is hurting us is the everyone is a winner BS.. This does not do anyone justice. Teaching children that there is no loser creates people that are unsuited to function in a normal society where there are winners and losers on a daily basis. It teaches the child that they do not have to work to get a trophy and makes the child who did work to earn their trophy question why they worked so hard if everyone gets the same thing! Thirty and Forty years ago when a child was doing bad in school the teacher would call in the parents for a conference to discuss the issue with them. The discussion centered on little Johnny or Jane and what they were doing.. Today that conversation is now centered on the teacher. The child is no longer held accountable for his/her actions. I have witnessed countless incidences where I have seen children at a playground being bullied by another child. I always step in and stop the action. I usually take the offending child/children back to their parents and inform them of their child's actions. The response I usually get is "hey, it's just kids being kids". By not punishing their child for the misdeed they are reinforcing the actions.
So lets hold this sick individual accountable for this heinous act, and anyone that assisted him and make an example out of them. Set a standard and hold everyone to that standard.
SGT (Join to see)
Oh, that is the generation all right. Some kiddo asks a girl to the prom, she says no, he stabs her death. This generation of ME ME ME. I wants with no giving. Babies raising Babies. I'm a single mother and I really feel like I have done a great job with my child. She knows no. She does her chores. She's competitive. But you know, I had her when I was 30 and done with my partying ways. IDK. Just sucks all together. And he had to be taught hate. Not one person is born with it. SSG Stacy Carter
SSG Stacy Carter
SGT (Join to see) - You are absolutely correct.. Hate is learned! Just to clarify I am not vilifying single parents. It takes a lot of courage to raise a child on your own. Best of luck to you.. :)
I will add this... Every situation that presented itself, for the President to unite us or divide us, he chose to divide. Each situation presented and opportunity for him to speak on how far we come and our common strengths, he instead chose to take a partisan position and divide the country along racial lines, class lines, political lines, sexual orientation lines, religious lines. He single handely set back race relations and damaged relations among more groups than any post civil war President. We may never recover from the harm he has inflicted.
False statement. Based on number of guns owned, we have one of the lowest death rates caused by guns anywhere. It's not guns you should focus on, it's why the person wants to kill people. It's about destroying families, removing Christianity from the public square, and making people dependent on the government. We are teaching the wrong social skills and replacing community social skills (which typically provide behavior control) with government largesse.
SGT (Join to see)
Very well said Sir! Col Stan VanderWerf
I believe that it does have more to do with the Mental Health aspect. A lot of this "mass murderers" in our Country have had some sort of or has been treated for some mental "defect." The parents, maybe in denial, or trying to help, IDK, provide these weapons to them.. The case in S. Carolina. The case at Sandy Hook.
I believe that it does have more to do with the Mental Health aspect. A lot of this "mass murderers" in our Country have had some sort of or has been treated for some mental "defect." The parents, maybe in denial, or trying to help, IDK, provide these weapons to them.. The case in S. Carolina. The case at Sandy Hook.
(0) Please take a look at this. I remembered reading this article in 2012 and I looked it up for this reply. I think we are isolated. It's not that these and other crimes do not happen it's that we don't pay attention to international news. The tendency is to only pay attention to the things that affect us.

The Deadliest Mass Shootings Around The World
-- Some of world's worst mass shootings:__ July 20, 2012: At least 12 people are killed when a gunman enters an Aurora, Colo., movie theater, releases a canister of gas and then opens fire during o
SGT (Join to see)
I agree with you! I think it mainly has to do with what the press decides to cover and what stuff they shove down your throat. It's sad really. CPT (Join to see)
SPC Don Stringer
The press only reports stories in a fashion that suits the Party Agenda. Its a propaganda mechanism. Anyone with basic Psy Ops training can recognize it.
are we not counting the most of Africa or the Middle East? heck even parts of Asia are rough like this.
The world is cruel and dark, which is why so many people suffer around the world. People in this country, who have had very nice and comfortable lives, seem to forget that. Somehow some Americans think this country is like living in the dark ages. The terrible things that happen here are no less terrible because of that, but these people that preach how horrible this country dont know what they are talking about.
"Is this a true statement?"
Well of course not, and any rational and even marginally honest person knows its a lie.
But this is an expected and common tact this administration takes. Say what ever supports the position.. truth means nothing.
If caught, walk it back, say you were misquoted or taken out of context.
Well of course not, and any rational and even marginally honest person knows its a lie.
But this is an expected and common tact this administration takes. Say what ever supports the position.. truth means nothing.
If caught, walk it back, say you were misquoted or taken out of context.
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