Posted on Feb 17, 2014
Translating Security Forces experience to the private sector
I got out of the Air Force in 2008 and I was happy then that I got out because I deployed every year and it looked like I would continue to deploy every year until death. Now I wish I would've stayed in and kept moving up. I was a good troop that was low drag. I could've been an E-6 by now and had good job security. The only bad thing is that being in Security Forces I had no training that translated into the civilian world. Even Law enforcement did not take my experience as valuable. I got overlooked time and time again for someone that had a college degree with absolutely ZERO experience. The good thing is I learned how to adapt and overcome very well and now I am a good salesman for a staffing agency in South Georgia. Any one else have a story that has BAD and GOOD?
Posted 11 y ago
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