Posted on May 20, 2015
'Top Shot' producers are scouting snipers for new show - Do you watch?
"Snipers are incredibly dedicated. They are highly skilled and multifaceted. I think most of us could only dream of having the kind of focus and resolve that those guys do. And to have all that specific knowledge about reconnaissance and surveillance, stealth, marksmanship, ballistics — it's all fascinating to our audience, and it leads to some really amazing stories."
Posted 10 y ago
Responses: 4
I watched the first two seasons of the show and really enjoyed it. The skill the people demonstrate on the show is amazing. I'm a good shot but I could never do some of the things they have done on that show but boy would I enjoy shooting some of the weapons they get to play with!
I love this show. ITs the closest thing to reality tv I will watch. There are some amazing marksman showcased. I would love to fire the weapons they are allowed.
Reality shows that play up interpersonal drama bore me. If there was an edit showing exclusively the shooting and training I might watch.
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