Posted on Jan 14, 2015
SSG(P) Instructor
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We have seen many things about our POTUS that many do not like about him, and while we have all had leaders we did not like, we could usually pick out a few things, or traits/characteristics you could use or emulate.

So, list the things you do like, keep it professional as always. What did momma say? "If you have nothing nice to say, don't say nothing all."

I'll start:
(1) President Obama broke the racial barrier. He earned an education, became a Senator and a lawyer and is now the President.
(2) He has given millions a hope that one day they can do something great, especially those from under privileged areas.

(3) He has largely supported the military until as of recently with the downsizing, which is inevitable in every decade, our leaders have to make cuts...we keep only the best and brightest, right?

(4) He is a very supportive husband and father, and we need strong father role models in today's society where fathers are as rare as a long term-marriage.

I believe he honestly wants good things for America...I don't necessarily agree with the way he is going about it.

(5) He authorized the killing of Osama Bin Laden.

I know there aren't many fans on RP, but if there is something you like, share it if you dare.
Edited >1 y ago
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Responses: 345
SFC Robert Miller
I like the fact he likes micro brewed beer.
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MAJ Matthew Arnold
I agree with the change in regards to Cuba. It is the best thing the Obama Administration has done. It should have been done long ago.
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SGT Steven Eugene Kuhn MBA
We need to stay away from the Political and Economic praises, I can post a link for both positive and negative in every matter discussed and more, it all depends on the measurement factors Anyone who writes budgets and then does the P&L adjustments knows this very well.

So I will speak of him as a Human being:
As a person he is probably one of the most intelligent, well spoken POTUS in recent History.

That is all,
Steady on
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SSG Cavalry Scout
This thread is the epitome of unproffesional. How embarassing. Too many chevrons and rockers on here ranting like lunatics. You all embarass me.
Capt Jeff S.
Capt Jeff S.
>1 y
... ... ...
SPC Don Stringer
SPC Don Stringer
>1 y
What is embarrassing is the number of sycophantic brass on here who say some fluffy, fuzzy feeling praise for the man, instead of showing any leadership and pointing out the serious damage the Manchurian President has done and continues to do to our military and combat readiness. They should hold a CINC to much higher standards.
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Sgt Logan Dahlbacka
It doesn't matter who it is, is seems most people forget that he's the commander in chief. So either way respect the position.
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MSG Vp And Co Owner
What kind of propaganda BS is this?
SSG(P) Instructor
SSG(P) (Join to see)
>1 y
Trick question perhaps...
MSG Vp And Co Owner
MSG (Join to see)
>1 y
Well if he is destroying our country then who cares if you like his smile. Why don't we write some awesome things about Hitler or Mao?
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SSgt Reports And Analysis
I agree SSG Michael LoGiudice, I like our President. I know several folks who do and many who do not. That is okay, we are each entitled to our own opinions.

I think personally I like he enact a repeal of the discriminatory “Don’t Ask Don’t Tell” policy. My unit didn't care about personal gender preferences we cared about the mission. Overall, I liked his social opinions on LGBT.

I also liked:
- end to the Bush-era stop-loss policy that kept soldiers in Iraq/Afghanistan beyond their enlistment date.

- supported and signed Veterans Health Care Budget Reform and Transparency Act, which made more money available to enable better medical care for veterans.

- Issued an Executive Order to improve access to mental health care for veterans, military personnel and their families.

- The initiatives and money gone to educational programs like expansion of the Pell Grants program.

- Created White House Council of Native American Affairs, to improve government-to-government relations with Native American nations.

- Signed an Executive Order pledging support for efforts to end the global problem of violence against women and girls.

While, there are many others (in my mind) accomplishments, these are the ones that I liked and came to mind. =)
Capt Jeff S.
Capt Jeff S.
>1 y
When the dollar becomes worth less, the stock market naturally rises because it takes more dollars to represent the same value. Translated: The stock market index goes up.

Auto industry rebounded? After pouring money into Chrysler, it was bought out by Fiat. GM's Saturn AND Pontiac were discontinued in 2010. Yeah, I'd say business is booming!

The problem isn't lack of healthcare, it's the outlandish hospital emergency room charges. An X-Ray and a splint shouldn't cost $3,000. $300 maybe... and even that seems a little stiff.
Cpl Software Engineer
Cpl (Join to see)
>1 y
As far as helping native-Americans, has he really helped? He applied a band-aid bureaucracy via executive order. It was a photo op, nothing more.

Executive Order 13647 of June 26, 2013

"After all, NOT ONE of the 30-plus council members is actually Native American or Alaskan Native. Furthermore, the council is made up only of the heads of other government agencies – one would assume that these people are already very busy running those respective agencies."
SSgt Reports And Analysis
SSgt (Join to see)
>1 y
Cpl Kirk Sain - I am Native American. Personally, I have seen far more from President Obama doing things for Native Americans than any other president. My sister is a reporter on our reservation so we actually keep a close eye on what legislation affects us. Another example is now allowing vets to have better healthcare at our small Native clinic by billing the VA.

MSG Dave Maesta - We just have different opinions on stuff. =) A lot of the stuff I posted is about how he helped vets specifically.

Capt Jeff Schwager - Sir, do you have any documentation on the dollar becoming less? I was hearing that the dollar still holds up pretty well against foreign currency. I do agree that I hate paying more for guns and ammo.

I know we all have our different opinions and that's awesome. When I am posting to you, I actually want more knowledge. Who knows? Maybe you can change my view.

My only request is that hopefully everyone can look objectively at an issue and have a solution. What could he be doing better? What can we as the American people be doing to elect a great leader? How can we stop Congress (already financially well off people) from giving themselves raises; while at the same time, cutting deeper into our military?

Mind you, much like this post, all our views are varied with different wonderful and adverse experiences about the world. I don't want you to change your opinion if you don't want to. I won't change mine like you won't change yours and that's okay. =)

BTW, thank you all for posting. This is not directed at you. I'm just observing some of the other posts on this page.... I just hope we don't lean too far one way or the other to not have a balanced and civilized discussion. Some of these posts are so negative and so far politically set in one way, that they can't see the good... Only the bad.
SGT Scott Bailey
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CW5 Desk Officer
I'll go ahead and say what's on my mind, even though I anticipate a few down votes. Or, maybe not ...

First of all, wow! This thread really turned into a "bash-the-President" discussion. I don't like that. Some others, or at least one, noted that Mom always told us not to say anything at all if we have nothing nice to say. That's good advice.

Second, can't we all just get along? It's certainly your right to disagree with someone, but do we have to resort to personal attacks? They are unbecoming. When I get attacked or down-voted, I do my best to state my case as professionally as possible, and then to walk away. There's just about nothing to be gained by "serial down voting" or personal attacks. It's not only unbecoming, it's unprofessional.
MSG Vp And Co Owner
MSG (Join to see)
>1 y
No one cares what your opinion is Scotty.
SGT Scott Bailey
SGT Scott Bailey
>1 y
MSG (Join to see) - Our Country is FAR better than 8 years ago, hands down.
SGT Scott Bailey
SGT Scott Bailey
>1 y
LCpl Leo Morrissey - I agree. But the truth comes with facts, not opinions. If someone can show me I'm wrong with facts, not conjecture, I will admit I'm wrong. But I'm not one to jump on the hate train just to get along with other haters. This President may not be perfect, but he has done the best he can against all the resistance and disloyalty from many in the military who swore to obey the commander in chief.
SGT Scott Bailey
SGT Scott Bailey
>1 y
MSG (Join to see) - Likewise MSG!
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SSgt Network Engineer
I'm not sure I like anything about the President other than the fact he likes Star Trek. Other than that I think he has caused more than enough damage to America. He is almost as bad if not worse than Jimmy Carter.
SSG(P) Instructor
SSG(P) (Join to see)
>1 y
I was no Carter fan for sure...
SSgt Network Engineer
SSgt (Join to see)
>1 y
You state Carter had more integrity than Reagan and Bush but provide nothing to back up that argument. How did Carter show more integrity than Reagan? Was it in his handling (or mishandling) of the Iran hostage crisis that showed his integrity? or how he handled (or mishandled) the energy crisis?

Also what does my knowledge or lack of knowledge of rotary wing aircraft have to do with my statement? CSAR (HH-60 Pavehawk) helicoptors have operated in theaters worldwide to include Iraq and Afghanistan (which is what they are designed to do). I was deployed to Iraq where they operated wonderfully under fire... just like the UH-60 Blackhawk (their sister aircraft which also operates in worldwide theaters such as Iraq and Afghanistan as well).

Also those "progressive" measures you speak of aren't as wonderful in reality as they seem. That's why conservatives stand against them. It might sound good in theory but the reality is far different.The Devil is in the details for programs like Obamacare. Maybe that's why we disagree with the President.
1SG Rick Davis
1SG Rick Davis
>1 y
Giive Carter a peanut for trying, he is now the 2nd WORST PRESIDENT EVER
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PO3 Devin Gallagher
Not really sure there is anything I like about him. In my personal opinion a man's character is defined by what he spends the majority of his time doing and the majority of the time I see him screwing things up or doing things that should be illegal if not illegal and claiming it is what is best for this country. This really is the last place to be asking anyone what they like about President Obama for the simple fact that he doesn't care about us, and you will never be able to convince me otherwise of this.
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