Responses: 95
SFC Mark Merino
A generous heads up is greatly appreciated. I want to be able to cover myself in BBQ sauce and go to the Flyer's Wells Fargo stadium and get eaten on center ice at my "Graceland".
The lack of "food source/supply" in Washington D.C., when the zombies begin their takeover lol!!
SFC Mark Merino
SFC William Swartz Jr They will starve from the lack of nutrition in politician's brains.
SFC Mark Merino
PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE don't even kid around like that. I can't stand it when we kid around with that inter-service rivalry. Internet takes away our playful tone and the hurt feelings come out. Nothing but love! Uncle Mark :)
CDR Thomas Gatliffe
Don't worry about it, SGT Richard H. , we Navy Zombies prefer civilians for dinner. They are easier to chew than tough old SFC's like SFC Mark Merino .
Some weird virus will cause it, but it wont be like the dead coming back from the dead kind, its more like infection causing people to become raving manics and just harder to kill but fast as hell. You know like "28 days later" I am a movie nut. LOL
SFC Mark Merino
SPC Michelle M. Bring on the BBQ sauce! I'm running into the thickest herd on day one. I'm too old and broke to live like that.
SPC Michelle M.
Lol. SFC Mark Merino, no way I could go out like that. Granted it would be sad because I would lose so many but I would make my way from MD to Vegas so if you are on the way, you are more than welcome to join my group. (We are always looking for bait). LMAO. ;)
SFC Mark Merino
Thanks SPC Michelle M. Fast zombies are a million times scarier! Every team needs a stow member. We do rear vanguard ops.
just remember to spy cam in the head kill the brain then go on about your business
If your contingency plan includes a way of charging your iPhone, don't worry the Zombies won't be interested in you.
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