Posted on Aug 25, 2015
CW3 Standardization Officer
The Great Moon Hoax

On this day in 1835, the first in a series of six articles announcing the supposed discovery of life on the moon appears in the New York Sun newspaper.

Known collectively as “The Great Moon Hoax,” the articles were supposedly reprinted from the Edinburgh Journal of Science. The byline was Dr. Andrew Grant, described as a colleague of Sir John Herschel, a famous astronomer of the day. Herschel had in fact traveled to Capetown, South Africa, in January 1834 to set up an observatory with a powerful new telescope. As Grant described it, Herschel had found evidence of life forms on the moon, including such fantastic animals as unicorns, two-legged beavers and furry, winged humanoids resembling bats. The articles also offered vivid description of the moon’s geography, complete with massive craters, enormous amethyst crystals, rushing rivers and lush vegetation.

The New York Sun, founded in 1833, was one of the new “penny press” papers that appealed to a wider audience with a cheaper price and a more narrative style of journalism. From the day the first moon hoax article was released, sales of the paper shot up considerably. It was exciting stuff, and readers lapped it up. The only problem was that none of it was true. The Edinburgh Journal of Science had stopped publication years earlier, and Grant was a fictional character. The articles were most likely written by Richard Adams Locke, a Sun reporter educated at Cambridge University. Intended as satire, they were designed to poke fun at earlier, serious speculations about extraterrestrial life, particularly those of Reverend Thomas Dick, a popular science writer who claimed in his bestselling books that the moon alone had 4.2 billion inhabitants.

Readers were completely taken in by the story, however, and failed to recognize it as satire. The craze over Herschel’s supposed discoveries even fooled a committee of Yale University scientists, who traveled to New York in search of the Edinburgh Journal articles. After Sun employees sent them back and forth between the printing and editorial offices, hoping to discourage them, the scientists returned to New Haven without realizing they had been tricked.

On September 16, 1835, the Sun admitted the articles had been a hoax. People were generally amused by the whole thing, and sales of the paper didn’t suffer. The Sun continued operation until 1950, when it merged with the New York World-Telegram. The merger folded in 1967. A new New York Sun newspaper was founded in 2002, but it has no relation to the original.
Posted in these groups: 1 1 Sci-FiThe milky way galaxy Space
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SN Greg Wright
CW3 (Join to see) Thanks. This is similar to the hysteria caused by that old radio show (when they used to do stories on the radio, live) that said Martians were landing -- I think it was War of the Worlds, iirc.
CW3 Standardization Officer
CW3 (Join to see)
>1 y
Thanks for the comment SN Greg Wright, I will be sure to post that story when the time is right. Thanks for the reminder!
SN Greg Wright
SN Greg Wright
>1 y
CW3 (Join to see) - This one was fascinating in and of itself! I hadn't heard of it before.
CW3 Standardization Officer
CW3 (Join to see)
>1 y
Glad you enjoyed it SN Greg Wright
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Col Joseph Lenertz
What a great story, I had never heard of it! It's so interesting, because by 1835 we knew enough about the moon's gravitational field to know it couldn't hold an atmosphere, yet the pics show "flying monkeys," and yet some Yale scientists were taken in.
Makes me wonder what hoaxes we are believing in today.
CW3 Standardization Officer
CW3 (Join to see)
>1 y
Col Joseph Lenertz you bring up a very good point. Regardless of our advances in technology and knowledge of science we are still susceptible to hoaxes. I wonder if this is predicated on our want to believe certain things....a sense of wonderment perhaps.
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1SG Senior Enlisted Advisor
Edited >1 y ago
CW3 (Join to see) thanks for sharing. This was an interesting Story. I had never heard about this. Now I have a new conversation tool.
CW3 Standardization Officer
CW3 (Join to see)
>1 y
1SG (Join to see) this is definitely a good conversation tool. The hoax went on for quite awhile, at least six articles worth. Thanks for the comment.
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