Posted on May 15, 2014
CPT Jacob Swartout
What do I need to focus on during the first few weeks of command that can easily be overlooked. I received a good run down by the outgoing CDR. The 1SG is bringing me up to speed on operations too. What are the concerns, recommendations, or foreseeable issues I need to really keep a tight focus on during the initial first weeks? I have a good idea however, you may bring up great point or two that has not been discussed yet.
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Responses: 12
SSG Unit Training Manager (Utm)
Your Supply Sergeant is going to kill me for this, but I would randomly pick 15-20 LINs from your Property Book and tell your Supply Sergeant you want to see them. I hate to admit it but sometimes when a CoC Inventory is done the wool gets pulled over an incoming Commanders eyes and they don't even know it until they are getting ready to exit their position and get the "remember when you inventoried this two years ago?" speech. Just a recommendation from someone who has seen some shady s*** over the last thirteen years.
SSG General Services Technician And State Vehicle Inspector
SSG (Join to see)
>1 y
SSG Sherbondy, I definitely understand the thought on this but random inventories are what the monthly 10% cyclic inventory is for. Granted, it's not truly random since the LINs are designated for each month well in advance. I do definitely agree with the wool getting pulled over a new Commander's eyes, either by a shady supply sergeant or sub-hand receipt holders. The best way to overcome this aspect is for the supply sergeant to have downloaded all manuals necessary for every piece of equipment within the unit. This is accomplished through the WEBLIDB App in LIW/LOGSA then selecting the Publications Selection.
CPT Jacob Swartout
CPT Jacob Swartout
>1 y
Great points SSG Sherbuondy and SSG Redondo. I was S4 for 18 months and have seen many issues that can happen in supply. I plan on making those not happen in my unit. The cyclic inventory LINs will be posted so that everyone knows what is going to be seen months in advance. All statement of charges are done and each sub-hand receipt holder knows what is expected. They know that I want to see the TMs for BII/COEI too and that everything is laid out to see. I can't look a box and assume all parts are in it. They know to lay out the pieces individually by now. I'm actually getting a new supply sergeant soon since mine is ETSing. I sure hope the new supply sergeant is on top of things. LIW is great too for the latest manuals.
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MAJ Assigned Representative
CoC Inventory (and personally touch EVERY item); review, update, sign pertinant policies and memos; publish command philosophy; update rating chain; counsellings; get out, be seen, be open; get familiar with the unit and its heritage. Also, find out what priorities each section is working on, and get a good pulse on reporting times, personnel issues, training schedules, etc.
CPT Jacob Swartout
CPT Jacob Swartout
>1 y
CPT R, CoC inventories are now complete. I actually have to wait to sign my CIF PB since they wouldn't allow it on Wed. I have to be in CMD first and couldn't post date it. All memos are being redone and have signed about 200 of them. Counselings will start mon/tue. We just drove to the ranges yesterday and they are far away from our workplace. Beginning to think we need a two day head start to get there. I will be out for most of the training that is considered: ranges, field time, gunnery, etc. only mandatory meetings will keep me away for some time. In all good points, thanks for the shared info to help me out.
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SSgt Gregory Guina
Get out to all the work area and make sure the troops see you. Sit down with the SNCOs and let them know what you expect and what your philosophy is.
CPT Jacob Swartout
CPT Jacob Swartout
>1 y
SSgt Guina, for sure I will be out at training to have as much visibility with the troops. Only mandatory meetings will keep me from being there. I have my command philosophy ready for my unit to read and understand the expectations of them. Thank you for you insight.
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